[M+T] about Kokushibo's eyes..

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(yep another Taisho one :] )

1# T (a stupid thing Kaigaku did)
Kokushibo: *cooking the food*

Kaigaku: *literally walking and sees a glass shard on the floor* "... a. I'm just gonna.." *grabs a magnifying glass to see the fucking glass shard*

Kokushibo: *grabs the cooked food and turns around* "okay dinner's-" *his. eyessssss got hurt or smth by the light* "OW-"

Kaigaku: "..oops."

Gyutaro: "bro has forgotten light reflection works."

2# T (after Kokushibo visiting the Entertainment District without glasses)
Kokushibo: "I hate that place..."

Kaigaku: *looking at Kokushibo's eyes* "😨"

Kokushibo: "..I know my eyes are all red."

(koku turned into a real spider

3# M (Why does)
Daki: "Hey, Kaigaku?"

Kaigaku: "yeah?"

Daki: "why does your dad wear sunglasses 24/7?"

Kaigaku: "..."


Kaigaku: "is dad alright?"

Nakime: "nope... his eyes are all red."

Kaigaku: "oh.. why?"

Nakime: "stared at the sun too much or sensitive to light."

Back to present

Kaigaku: "light sensitivity."

Daki: "..dang, okay"

4# T (Kokushibo is mad this time)
Urogi: "grabbing a mirror* "ooh! I can see myself. Let's try it with Kokushibo!!"

Karaku: "yeah, I can see myself pretty handsome ÙvÚ"

Urogi: *goes to Kokushibo* "👁️v👁️"

Kokushibo: "what-"

Urogi: *lets Kokushibo sees himself*

Kokushibo: "......"

Urogi: "•v•?"

Karaku: "?•‿•"

Kokushibo's theme starts

Urogi: "you happi-...." *Realizes*

(thanks to my pain head :D)

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