[M] Duck.

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(I know it just happened quick because I feel like it 😀)

This is just the first time they walk together on the streets.

They(except the quadruplets) didn't know about Urogi yet, and that's a shame :^

Karaku: *talking about him and Urogi's relationship*

Sekido: "WILL YOU SHUT UP 💢💢"

Karaku: "a-"

Let's say they see a duck crossing the fucking road 🙂

Daki: "aww look, a duck 🥺🥺"

Karaku: *gaspes* "White Urogi ✨O✨"

Akaza: "..Is the duck racist"

Daki: "well I don't know ->-"

🦆 💥🚛

Daki: "😨"

Karaku: "I think it's better to use the airport instead of walking 😰"

Kaigaku: "what airport?"

Karaku: " , "

Daki: "let's keep walking or we're late again, and it's the 2nd time  of this week that two of us are late-"

Kaigaku: "..good idea."


sorry, because. y'know. I do much about a new interest. I'm sorry y'all ;▼·

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