[M] Guess what. Another New One

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(I think my stupid brain has "accidentally" made a clone/form of Hantengu. Where.. those 4 clones failed to fuse. Whoops 😀)

(Who's past should I make? And it's only modern since y'all already know the Taisho Era past. Koku and Urami will talk bout stories, yippiee 😁)

(btw enjoy. I think I talked too much.)

At the school break
Kaigaku: *stares at Gyutaro*

Gyutaro: *stares at Kaigaku*

Daki: " ·-· "

Kaigaku: "....."

Gyutaro: "....." *bro's struggling to not blink*

Daki: "aanyways.. there's a new student! Right there" *points at the child*

Zoha: ".......Har-"

Kaigaku and Gyutaro: *looks at Zoha* "....."

Zoha: "....."

Gyutaro: *blinks*

Kaigaku: "Hah! I win!"

Gyutaro: *punches Kaigaku's face* "bastard.. that doesn't count.."

Kaigaku: "OW! yes it does! The person who doesn't blink wins!"

Gyutaro: "what about looking at another person?"

Kaigaku: "...I don't know. But still I win ÙnÚ"

Gyutaro: "...NO!"

Kaigaku and Gyutaro: *arguing*

Daki: "..well.. Hi kid, want to meet in a cafe after school? •v•" (she thinks the kid looks familiar)

Zoha: "..I don't trust stranger danger >:["

Daki: "oh. Well.. should I ask your grandparents?"

Zoha: "alright."

They went to Zoha's house aka Hantengu Family's house (ye ik I changed the family name)

Daki: "..ohh, you're one of the Hantengu Family member. Long time no see ^^"

Zoha: "..yeah" *opens da door* Grandpa Urami?? •-•"

Urami: "..yes?"

Zoha: "can I go to a cafe with this stranger? •-•" *points at Daki*

Kaigaku: "..bro this is weird. What we're supposed to be doing."

Gyutaro: "no idea.."

Urami: "okay then."

Aizetsu: "..buy me a coffee when you get there, Zoha" (Idk I just think of it)

Zoha: "anything for Big Bro Aizetsu òvó "

Kaigaku: "...."

Then they went to a coffee shop or a cafe

Daki: "here we are!"

Kaigaku: "..nice" *about to sit down*

Gyutaro: *grabs the chair away*

Kaigaku: "OW! WTF.."

Gyutaro: "Hah! Also.." *lets Daki sit on a chair*

Daki: "oh, thanks brother ^^"

Gyutaro: "no problem ->-" *sits on another chair*

Kaigaku: "ugh.... my ass HURTS YOU SEAWEED HEAD 💢💢"

Gyutaro: "I DON'T CA-"

Waiter: "hello. What would you like to order?"

Daki: "I would like a cappuccino ^^"

Gyutaro: "..black coffee I guess"

Kaigaku: "normal coffee with 10 spoons of salt òvo"

Zoha: "cappuccino and a coffee ·v·"

Waiter: "alright" *goes to the counter*

(That part above this text is inspired by a person •>•)

Gyutaro: "..why that much salt"

Kaigaku: "learnt from my dad's lifestyle T-T"

Gyutaro: "....okay?"

After some time

Zoha: *opens da door* "Grandpa I'm back!!"

Urami: "welcome back"

Zoha: "and I got your coffee, big bro Aizetsu ^^" *gives the coffee*

Aizetsu: *grabs the coffee* "thank you, Zoha.."

Zoha: "yippi \(·▼·)/"


Uppermoons [Taisho+Modern Era]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin