[M] What's Karaku up to?

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(Since I realized that I didn't type that much Modern, soo..)

(This is Day 2 of Kaigaku being here)

In the School
Kaigaku: "shit.. late again.. uhh, biology class"

The alarm rings and Kaigaku gets in the biology room at the same time

good thing the teacher is a bit late, guess the UNO Card worked :^

Kaigaku: "phew.."

Random Student: "yep I'm not gonna get near to a strange pot -_-" *goes to sit to another desk*

(Why does students hate Gyokko these days? He's nice. And I just realized that I used the wrong name in the "New Students" part)

Kaigaku: "..." *looks at the pot on the random desk*

B. Teacher: *gets in the class* "Hello students.. Today we'll be learning to..." *Talking about stuffs*

Karaku: *sneaky sneaky goes to the desk that's beside the pot* "•v•"

Kaigaku's mind: "bro how tf did he not get noticed*

Karaku: " (whisper) psst, Gyokko. Guess who's here :]"

Gyokko: " (in the pot whisperin) Hii Karaku :0"

Karaku: " (whisper) how's your great masterpiece? •‿•"

Gyokko: " (whisper) it's almost done, how's your day?"

Karaku: " (whisper) well, it's good!"

Kaigaku's mind: "why the fuck is he whispering with a pot.."

B. Teacher: "Karaku, please pay attention or I'll force you to move to another desk"

Karaku: " ·v·” "

B. Teacher: "ahem.. as I was saying..."

After some time

Karaku: " (whisper) I'm so bored ->-"

Gyokko: " (whisper) want me to scare em off?"

Karaku: "hmm.. alright, since I never seen that before •<•"

Gyokko: " (whisper) alright.."

the vase starts to fill up with water and the water dripped to the floor. And then there's a pile of water on the floor. Some students ran and some students panik.

Kaigaku: "..what the fuck"

Karaku: "woah, how'd you do that? :0"

Gyokko: *pops out* "I kept too much water jars in there ;v;"

Karaku: "nice, well I better go. Byee!"

Gyokko: "bye!.. don't tell me you saw that.."

Kaigaku: "my eyes never lie.."

(Yeah.. eyes!)

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