"Ms Memoir, can us three leave please? We have to go see a teacher about the work I need to catch up with..." I say pointing to Lola Dean and myself while trying to ignore Louis sitting there with the giddiest smile that has ever been made visible.

The teacher nods her head from where she is at her desk at the back of the class so we all get up grabbing our bags and heading for the door.

"You wouldn't want to be ugly for more than a day would you? You need to keep you're perfect reputation around here don't you? I wonder what everyone would say about your antics with me two weeks ago?" his voice comes out tauntingly as the whole class goes silent ready to hear what I have to say, waiting for the fight to start between us all which is clearly going to happen.

He stands up like the rest of the students ready to protect himself and when he's on our side of the table I'm backing up into Lola who is practically at the wall with the door open wide behind her.

"You disgust me, you know that? You used her, you abused her, you're disgusting in every way possible and you don't seem to understand that do you?" Dean's voice low when he first starts to talk but by the end he's almost screaming, his voice booming and loud, unable to hold back his anger. His hand is clenched into a fist ready for a fight, he wants a fight, anyone can see that much.

"I didn't abuse her or use her, she did everything willingly!" Louis replies with a smirk plastered on his face, his eyes glinting in a way that's taunting Dean, even me.

"Tell me something, if rape isn't abusing someone and using them, then what is?" Dean finally snaps starting forwards with slow deliberate steps giving him a chance to reply.

"It's not rape if you enjoy it!" Louis says and that's when I snap, Dean doesn't get a chance because I'm literally launching myself at Louis, slapping him and then punching him with as much force as I can muster which leaves my knuckles stinging but it doesn't stop me from trying but then he's out of any shock that he had that it was me attacking and he's laughing. His laughing sounds over everything before he's shoving me backwards so I fall to the ground at Dean's feet.

The class is egging the boys on, they want this fight to happen and the teacher nowhere to be seen when I'm sitting up with Dean crouched next to me.

"I'm fine." I say giving him a nod that he understands, one that gives him permission to do what he wanted to do from the start. He knows, going by what just happened, that he needs a bigger hit than what I gave him. And he knows it's him that has to do it because I'm not strong enough to do it for myself.

Dean is up within an instant and letting his fist smash into Louis face, the opposite side that I hit him on.

Within a couple of more hits there is someone else jumping in, from the door, I look up to see it's Liam who gives Louis a hit too and then the boys are both giving all they have at Louis, letting all of their anger out on him. They work together, maybe it's not the best situation for them to be working together but it's them working together all the same, that's a big improvement from the other day.

A teacher is separating the boys after another minute or so, they're all totally covered in blood and all rigid and wound up.

I don't know when I stood up but when a teacher looks at me, a woman called Miss Starling, she stretches her arm out to lead me along with the boys out of the room and to Ellen's room.

The door seems intimidating for once, I'm not sure if Dean ever told anyone about what happened but if he did this will be embarrassing but at the same point at least she knows why it happened. She might understand what was going through Dean, Liam and I's heads, obviously not Louis's but still, she's gonna have to treat this properly and not like all the other times Dean and I have been in here.

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