Start from the beginning

".. dick." cassandra wheezed out as she rolled onto the middle cushion, still coughing. a paw went to rocket's chest as he buckled forward, laughing so hard his chest was heaving. cassandra rolled off the couch and grabbed one of the cushions, throwing it at him, which he attempted to dodge, but failed.

"oh fuck!" rocket coughed up as he was hit directly with a cushion practically painted in dust. cassandra chuckled as she got up, grabbing the cushion off the floor and tossing it back onto the couch.

".. wow.. dusty place." rocket coughed up. cassandra nodded slowly. "yep, i'll have to work on that."

once rocket had finally coughed up everything, he looked down at his comm. "where are those-" he turned on his comm, stepping out the apartment into the hallway, leaving cassandra by herself, back at the doorway, looking into the apartment like she was just a few moments ago.

a slow sigh escaped her lips. a clear inhale, a steady exhale. her arms made their way across her torso. her gaze slowly shifted across the entirety of the living room, to the kitchen, which she could see with the open floor plan, to the tiny dining room residing just infront of the kitchen. she walked forward into the kitchen, towards the fridge. a small note was hung by a small, light-blue circular magnet on the freezer. slowly, cassandra reached forward and pulled the folded note off.

upon unfolding the note, she found a letter from the previous tenant;


i'm not sure who's moving in next. whoever you are; i hope this note has found you well. i hope this apartment can provide all the wonderful memories it did for me. i fell in love here in this very apartment complex, i made so many friends here on xandar, i raised my first little boy here in this very apartment. that's not to say everything was amazing, i feel that's far from the truth, but no matter how hard things got, this apartment was still my home, and so were all those amazing memories i made in it. now, i leave you the furniture i had picked up on terra all those years ago, that has been blessed with my memories and so many more from terra i have never even seen. i think the best part is that now that you're here, there are so many more memories awaiting this place. the reason i write this is to ask you to please treat this place kindly. it allowed me to hold my entire world here.

the previous tenant.

a small smile made it's way across cassandra's lips. she slowly folded the note back and placed it in one of the drawers. the door slowly creaked open, and cassandra's neck snapped slightly as she looked back, smiling at the sight of kraglin in the doorway, her rotting crate of old collectibles in his grasp.

"here," cassandra walked over, beginning to take the crate from kraglin. "let me take this." she set the crate on the coffee table, and she looked at kraglin, who was taking in the living room. his brows were tight-knitted, his lips were pressed together, and his eyes were wide. cassandra chuckled.

"it's cute, cass. very you." kraglin nodded. groot entered the room behind kraglin, immediately gasping at the sight.

"i am groot." ooh, nice.

"i know, right!?" cassandra giggled, excitement pouring over her as she looked back at the living room, so excited it was pulling at her veins like a jump-rope.

"and it's all mine!" she laughed, clapping her hands together. "all of it!"

kraglin chuckled, taking the bag and pumpkin from groot's grasp. "here's your bag and little, uh, kitty-cat here."

cassandra grabbed pumpkin and let her cuddle against her chest. she gestured for groot to shut the door, which he did.

"where's rocket?" she hummed as she let pumpkin down onto the floor. she immediately walked towards the coffee table, steadying herself, trembling in place, before hopping onto it. she chose to smell the crate, and then she chose to attempt to climb into it. cassandra let her do that. "he was getting somethin' in the ship, i think." kraglin shrugged his shoulders, placing his hands on his hips. "really, cass, the place is nice. i like that it's spacious."

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