How To Come Up With A Book Title

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Your book/series etc. is finished, written and ready to publish but you sit in front of your PC/phone and don't have an idea what to call your work?

Yes, that happened to me too.

Let's help you with my tips.

1.) What's your work about?

A huge part of the marketing of your book is getting your reader's attention.

The title should summarize your work in easy words.

Know what your work is about:

- sad/happy/exciting/adventurous?

- what scenery does it play in?

- what year does it play in?

- who is your MC/your characters?

- do you have signature lines/words?

- a certain situation your character is stuck in?

These are key frames of how to orientate within your title.

2.) How to form a title

A finished work title should be easy to remember. Books like "Divergent", "Maze Runner", "Harry Potter" etc consist of one to two words.

Keep the words at three words at maximum in order to be memorized.

The words should be easy or an interesting word.

Example: "Blaze", "Stranded", "Finding Strings"

Add Prepositions or words like "The" "That" "These", "A" etc. only if it makes your title stand out or stand in context.

Example: "The Autumn Pearl"

3.) Create a Subtitle

Books sometimes can be confused as of what genre they are.

A Subtitle can help.

Words like:

"a .... novel"

"a ... story"

"a story of ..."

"The ..."

"Book ... of the ...-saga"

can help.

4.) Be original

Let's face it, Book titles are kind of getting used too much.

I see certain book title phrases too often, like:

"A Court of ... and ..." "These ..."

"Bl00d" "Ash" "The ... of ..."

Be creative with your book titles, is what I'm saying.

If you want your book to stand out, you have to be extraordinary.

5.) Placement of words

How to place the words of your title depends on how you want it to look to the reader on the cover.

Should they be centered, left, right?

Examples of Titles (my works):

The Autumn Pearl

Blaze - Aimed to K!ll

Finding Strings - a soulmate novel

Stranded - a military fiction

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