Part 4 Grooming you into High Society

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Change here? In front of a man? In front of a man who I just met?

"You want me to change? Naked? Here in front of you?" I ask.

"If we are going to succesfully pretend we are married our lives must be parallel to that of a real husband and wife. We must know everything about each other my sweet Kätriin. No secrets." William returns.

My face turns hot and flushed red. I am not wearing a bra and I can't remember if I'm wearing my cute underwear.

"I... I..." I stutter.

I try to say what's on my mind but the words don't come out. I'm not ready for a man to see me nude. This is too quick. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. My mind is racing a billion kilometers per hour thinking ways I can get out of this.

I don't know what to do. I can't think what to say. Will he be mad if I say no. Will he physically hurt me? Will he do worse? I am alone with this man, if I scream no one will help me. Even so we are in his home filled with his subordinates.

My eyes begin to well up with tears, I don't want to cry in front of him. I try to hold back the tears, I can't cry, not now.

I slowly reach for the buttons on my nightgown. I prepare to unbutton them through my now foggy vision. The top button covers my cleavage. I don't want this but I have no choice.

I undue the button.

"What are you doing?" William asks "I was just kidding woman. We just met. You're already in a stressful situation, I wouldn't want you to build even more stress."

I breathe a sigh of relief. I feel light as a feather, the weight of this uncomfortable situation unloads from my body. I no longer feel constricted.

"Go ahead and change. I'll be waiting in the dining room." William says.

He gives me a little kiss on top of my head before he leaves the room. It is oddly calming and reassuring.

I change my clothes into a dress made of the nicest fabric I have ever seen. The color is a beautiful sapphire blue with little intricate patterns woven into the cloth. The hem of the dress reaches my ankles, the sleeves reach my wrists, and the neckline is to my neck.

I have always dressed a little bit more modestly than the other girls my age but this was something else. I don't know if I like it completely but it makes me feel regal, sophisticated, princess-like. It is a nice feeling overall.

Down in the kitchen, William stands holding a pot ready to prepare breakfast. I explain to him that scrambled eggs go into a pan not a pot and I cook the scrambled eggs and toast as he requested.

He helps me carry the food and tableware into the dining room. It is a large room with more windows than walls but the walls are densely decorated with intricate designs. They perfectly offset the large windows providing a balance of simplicity and elegance with a lot of natural light.

We sit and begin to eat.

I can tell he is looking at me eat. He is judging my every move. From the way I hold the fork to the manner that I chew. He even judged the way I set the table I'm sure of it. It makes me self conscious.

"You look tense Kätriin. What's the matter?" William asks.

"It's nothing William. Just... many things are happening to me at once." I say.

I don't want to lie but I can't tell him I'm embarassed. What if I'm doing everything wrong?

"If you're worried I'm judging you eat, you would be correct I'm afraid."

I knew it but it only makes me more self conscious.

"You see people with my social status have certain standards of etiquette and if these standards are not met, you will stick out of place immediately and they will know you are not my wife."

That doesn't make me feel good.

"When the rival mafia comes to visit and if they suspect you are not my wife there is a high possibility they will kill the both of us."

That makes me feel even worse.

He grabs my hand.

"But don't worry Kätriin, I'll teach you everything you need to know. How to walk, how to talk, how to sit, eat. What to wear and how to wear it what not to wear. What hairstyles are appropriate. How to treat your husband. How to treat guests. I will shape your very thoughts themselves so all of this will be second nature. I will groom you into becoming a high class lady. A lady amongst ladies even. One that other women will measure themselves against."

"That is a lot to take in William, I don't know if I'm ready."

"Do not worry Kätriin, you will be at my side every step of the way. I will guide you personally."

This situation is overwhelming but his deep gravel voice and his calm demeanor is calming. It makes me feel confident.

"We will begin tomorrow. Today must have been quite enough to take in for one day. In the meantime we will go into town and update your wardrobe."

I forgot that I left all my clothes behind at home. If this dress is anything to go by I am unsure of what he expects me to wear everyday. Was this long dress just for today to impress me or does he want me to wear clothes like this everyday.

"My butlers will take care of the dishes. Let's go into town and buy you an acceptable selection of clothing. I hope you like dresses, I won't allow my wife to wear anything but dresses or skirts." He says.

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Next time we will explore what William expects Kätriin to wear everyday. Will she accept wearing dresses everyday? Will she rebel or will she accept her position as the billionaire's wife?

What sort of future awaits the good girl taken into the billionaire bad boy's life?

Read the next part to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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