The Detective's favor

Start from the beginning

"This is terrible," I heard Bizy's voice and looked to my side. A number of employees were here, "How did this happen?"

"Do you think it's fake?" Jacob asked and I looked back

"I hope it is," We all looked at Imani who was running towards us, she just came into the office, "The CEO is definitely not a drug dealer." Most of the staff members nodded at that. I guess they all trust him a lot...

But the documents aren't fake. I'm sure of that.

"What makes you think he isn't?" A calm voice raised a question and everyone looked at Dave

"Well, he doesn't look anywhere nearly like someone involved with drugs..." Imani answered.

"Drug lords don't use drugs themselves." Chris entered the office

"Yea," Lizzo agreed.

"Oh, dear..." Bizy seemed the most nervous, "There's an arrest warrant out for him."

"Do you think the boss made a run for it?" Jacob asked and everyone quieted down.

"Okay," Bizy clapped his hands, "Let's just get to work for now. The truth will come out eventually."

"What about the Chinese mafia?" Lizzo asked, "I've heard they're pretty brutal." I looked at him while he sat on his chair, "Do you think they'll harm the person who got this information out?" As whispers of the potential consequences reached my ears, my heart raced with trepidation. I knew the people would talk about it but I also knew that no one would know that I leaked the info to the press but still, this kind of talk made me uneasy.

"Maybe..." Jacob answered, "I've heard they're a nasty bunch." A surge of fear coursed through my veins.

"If they find whoever did it," Dave answered in a low tone, "We'll never see that person again." Everyone knew what he was implying but his words had the most impact on me, "And it might be someone from NLN since only they had the scoop." I felt my skin stand up in fear, and anxiety swirled inside me like a tempest but there was no turning back now, it was already done.

I'm sure no one will get to me. I was in disguise.

"Okay! Okay!" Bizy gestured to everyone to sit down, "Start working, enough chit-chat." And everyone took their seats and turned on their systems but I was very uncomfortable.

I glanced at the TV. News outlets had picked up the story, and it was spreading like wildfire. I gulped and looked down at my laptop.

The Chinese Mafia? Drug Dealings? I have never been in such murky waters before. Sure I've got corruption scoops of companies and celebrity scandals but to get involved with the darkest side of the world... This was a first and it was eating me up.

I came here to investigate a serial killer but ended up with a mafia scandal? What is happening here?

My heart was constantly beating at a higher rate and I kept thinking that I did good that I went to the party dressed as a woman. No one would recognize me, so no one would be able to find me, because that pretty curvy woman doesn't exist.

I started focusing on the work but we all would occasionally hear the mob outside of the building shouting, telling Matthew to show up and own up to his actions.

A few hours passed like that and just before lunch break, I raised my head and looked at the CEO's door. Neither the CEO nor the Director showed up. Did they really run away? Are they actually involved with the drug mafia?

I pursed my lips.

"Should we go eat?" Imani asked and everyone nodded but before we got to even stand up, a third party came into the office, swinging a handcuff on his index finger with a haughty smile plastered on his face.

"Well, well, well," It was a detective who walked over to the CEO's office and opened the door wide without anyone's permission, "I knew a day like this would come." Bizy wanted to stop him but paused the moment he saw the door open, just like the rest of us.

To our surprise, Matthew was sitting in his office chair behind the desk. It came as a surprise to all of us and we exchanged worried glances.

He was here the entire time!?!? But when did he get here? I was here first so did he come here at daybreak or something?? No, there could have been a reporter here at daybreak too since the news was released at eight yesterday night...

Was he here the entire time? Overnight?

"Why hello there," Matthew put on a smirk, "Detective Harou,"

"Come on," He walked to the desk, "Get up nicely and get yourself cuffed." Harou seemed like he was in a good mood, "And don't even try wiggling your way out. That building is owned by you."

"Oh well, I never denied that." Matthew remained calm, "That building is mine."

"Time to get you behind bars then."

"Detective," Matthew stood up, "You remember you owe me a favor, right?"

Harou paused and looked him dead in the eyes, "What? Don't tell me you want me to let you go?" The boss smirked in return.

"Oh no," For some reason he was relaxed, "I'm just reminding you, you owe me," He presented his wrists to him, "Just so that you don't forget."

Harou seemed ticked off by his words, "I remember," He slammed the handcuffs on his wrists, "But since you're mentioning it, I know you want something," He clicked the metal thing on both his hands.

"I do," Matthew began to move away from the desk and circled around it, only to come and stand next to the detective. All of us stared at them from outside, without moving or uttering a single sound.

"I want you to find someone for me," Matthew said, and they looked into each other's eyes. But just as I heard that, I felt something weird. I felt something bad coming my way.


"A woman," My heart skipped a beat and my eyes went wide.

Is he talking about me?

Harou raised his right brow at him, "A woman?"

The boss nodded, "A woman in a black cocktail dress." And a violent shiver ran down my spine.

He is talking about me!! Oh, My God!!! Shit!! I thought it was over when I didn't get a call from him or anyone. I thought he didn't recognize me.

I pursed my lips.

Well, he still hasn't, or he would have asked me something or said something! But on that same note, he hasn't let me go either.

The detective looked at him funny, "You got a name?"

Why?! My heart which had barely got itself to calm down flared up again. It started pounding in fear while I looked at the pretty duo in the office. Just why?!? Is it because he's sure I leaked those documents?! But wait, no... He was following me even before I was given that USB

Matthew smiled, "I got a video," And my skin stood up.

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now