Chapter 4- Explosions

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Apollo followed Jinx across the bridge from the Undercity to Piltover. Apollo was familiar with the area, they would meet up with Viktor here all the time. Jinx was walking ahead of Apollo, so they ran to catch up, "This is exciting." Jinx nodded, "I know. And now I have a friend to go on adventures with." They continued to walk through the streets of Piltover. It was quiet since today was progress day, so most people were elsewhere, partying or listening to speeches.

Jinx stopped in front of a building, Apollo had never seen it before. “You ready?” Jinx had a malicious smile, and Apollo nodded, “I’m so down.” As the two walked in, Apollo thought to themselves. When it came to the disputes of Undercity vs. Piltover, they were neutral. The only reason they cared or even came to Piltover was for Viktor. If this was where hextech was, Apollo would’ve left Jinx, but it was just some random building so Apollo didn’t care about it. “Set these over there.” Jinx handed Apollo a few bombs and pointed to the other side of the room. “I’m going to look around upstairs!” Jinx said excitedly as she skipped up the stairs. Apollo found Jinx’s childlike behaviors nice, especially since Jinx would talk about blowing up a building while dancing around. Apollo found it refreshing to be around someone their own age. Just as Apollo placed down the last couple bombs, Jinx came running down the stairs, “We gotta go, like NOW!” Jinx grabbed Apollo’s wrist and ran out the door. Apollo pulled back, stopping the both of them, “What the hell is happening?” Jinx caught her breath, “The timers, on the bombs.” Jinx looked scared of Apollo's reactions, but after a moment, Apollo just laughed. Jinx awkwardly chuckled back, unsure of what was happening. Apollo took a deep breath to collect themselves, “Next time we blow up a building we need to plan better. Thank you for not letting the building blow us up.” Apollo smiled and Jinx became less tense.

They both heard footsteps running in their direction, “We should get going.” Jinx agreed and both ran back to Piltover. When they safely made it across the bridge they walked back to the last drop, but it was a long walk. “So what did you find upstairs?” Apollo wanted to make conversation so the time would pass faster, and they could get to know Jinx. “Oh just some papers and this,” Jinx pulled a blue orb out from her pocket. Apollo stared intently at it, “It looks like hextech,” Apollo looked closer at it, “I hope it isn’t.” Jinx was panicked, "Why?" Apollo kept walking as if nothing was wrong, "My brother works there. He helped create it actually. He's like a literal genius." Apollo bragged. Jinx continued walking hoping Apollo wouldn't figure out it was hextech. Jinx thought she was in the clear as Apollo kept rambling, "He lives in Piltover because he has some health stuff going on and I try to visit as often as I can. I'm supposed to visit him in like a month. Ooh and he made my arm," Apollo continued on while they entered the last drop. "I see Sevika over there," Apollo pointed, "I'll see you later Jinx." Apollo waved goodbye and Jinx went upstairs.

"Where the hell have you been?" Sevika asked as Apollo sat down across from her. Apollo messed around with some things on the table, it was mostly parts from Sevika's arm. "Oh y'know. Just bonding with Jinx. Did you have a nice chat with Silco after we left?" Sevika rolled her eyes, "You can't just wander off. I was worried about you. And yes, but we'll talk about Silco later." Apollo got up from the table, "I'm sorry. I'll let you know next time. I'm going to go get a drink. Want something?" Sevika looked up, "You can't drink." Apollo looked offended, "I'm not a kid anymore." They defended and started to walk away, "Get me another one of my usual!" Sevika shouted as they walked away. Apollo gave her a thumbs up and ordered the drinks. Apollo was only 19, no one cared about the drinking age and Sevika was a usual customer there. So they served Apollo with no problem. They returned a couple minutes later with two drinks.

"Your usual." They placed a drink down on the table for Sevika and sat down with their drink in hand. "So what did you and Silco chat about?" Apollo took a sip. They didn't get anything too strong, just a little something for a buzz. "He wants you to work with Jinx." Apollo sat up, "What do you mean?" Sevika took a sip of her drink. "He wants you to watch over her. Kind of like a bodyguard." Apollo took a large sip of their drink, unsure of what they were being signed up for. "And what would I have to do?" Apollo set down their drink. "Just keep Jinx out of trouble and make sure she doesn't die or kill anyone we want or need alive." Apollo leaned back in their chair and thought about it, "Do you think I should do it? You know what it's like to work with Silco." Sevika paused. She put the tools down and looked at Apollo. "I don't know, kiddo. Jinx is a lot and I don't want you to get hurt. But I also trust that you'd be able to do it. Plus it's good money, which is good to have especially if you ever want to leave this crapshoot." Sevika gave Apollo a sympathetic look. She could tell they weren't sure what to do. "I like Jinx. I can see why people think she's crazy but I can see us being friends. But I also don't want to be dragged into all of Silco's business. For fucks sake you lost your arm 'cause of this. It just seems like," Apollo looked for the right words. "It's a lot," Sevika cut in, "and it's easy to get caught in the wrong crowds with Silco. As long as you never use shimmer, and yes I know I'm a hypocrite, I believe you will be fine and can handle it. Plus no one messes with my kid. Now come here." Sevika waved for Apollo to sit next to her and they did. She wrapped her arm around them and they stayed like that for the majority of their time at the last drop.

They eventually went back to the house to get a couple hours of sleep. Apollo passed out the second they hit the pillow, and they slept well for a few hours.

The next morning Apollo had a pillow on their head to block out the light. Apollo was exhausted, they tossed and turned trying to fall back asleep. There was no success especially once Sevika came barging in, "APOLLO!" Sevika swung the door open. Apollo groaned, "WhAt?! Let me sleep, pLeAsE!" Sevika didn't care about their want for sleep. She pulled the pillow off their head, "What did you do?" Apollo sat up, "What are you talking about?" Sevika stood over Apollo," You and Jinx blew up a building and stole hextech! Remember now?" Apollo panicked and jumped up, "Okay, hold on. I didn't know what we were doing until the building blew up. Plus I didn't think it was anything important." Sevika pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, "Well hextech was in that building. Jinx stole a blue orb thing." Apollo froze. FUCK! They were hoping it wasn't actually hextech. "I'm sorry," Apollo's eyes watered, "I didn't know. If I had I wouldn't have gone." Sevika hugged Apollo, "I know. You have to be careful and know what you're doing in the future. I'll handle it." Apollo pulled away, "No I'll handle it. First I'm going to apologize to Silco, then get the orb back and just visit my brother early." Apollo grabbed a bag and started shoving clothes in there. "I'll visit for maybe a week or so?" Sevika was both proud and scared that Apollo was taking charge of this, "Apollo, you're not getting the orb back." Apollo froze, "What do you mean?" Sevika sat down on the bed, "Silco is going to use it for something. I don't know what, but you're not getting it back. I'm sorry kid." Apollo sat down on the bed disappointed. They tried to think of what to do, but all they could think to do was visit Viktor. "Okay, I'm still going to talk to Silco. Then I'm going to visit my brother. Same plan minus the hextech. Is that okay?" Sevika nodded, "Of course, just be safe and stay with your brother." Apollo hugged Sevika then changed and finished packing. They wore a black hoodie with blue pants and their black boots. Under the hoodie was a mesh shirt and sports bra.

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