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My hands would not stop shaking, as I threw my phone across the room and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. A notification sounded from my phone, and I gulped, staring at it. I would not answer it. Was I an idiot to just hang up on my stalker who had power to hurt my family? I swallowed hard past the lump in my throat. Just calm down, Soobin, you'll be fine. 

I ignored my phone and stumbled across the room, trying to get out of there as fast as I could. Yeonjun looked up from the couch and smiled at me before frowning. "What's wrong Bin?" I open my mouth to speak but I shake my head slowly. He got to his feet, putting his phone on the couch and walking over to me.

"Hey, you okay, Soobin?" I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "You in pain still?" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and guided me to the couch, I let him, melting in his warmth.

"Are you still worried about the stalkers?" I nodded, not wanting to lie because he would be able to read me too well. He always did. "Well, don't worry, we checked the dorm for bugs and we found all of them." I raised my eyebrow and felt a little lighter, knowing that hopefully they wouldn't have anymore intimate photos of me... But still, the ones they have now could get me into so much scandals...

"I'm just worried... what if they go after the boys?" I piped up, wringing my hands together anxiously. Yeonjun takes my hands gently into his and looked straight into my eyes.

"Binnie, don't worry. We'll find the stalkers and we'll take care of the kids. You need to rest some, okay? Please don't be too worried about this." Yeonjun studied my face, trying to figure what was going on in my head. He squeezed my hand. "Okay, Soobin?" I hummed in reply, a feeling in my stomach suddenly appearing.


We had just arrived at Hybe for dance practice when suddenly many people had bombarded the area; our staff and security were trying to push them back including yelling fans.. Fear was racing through my veins as I grabbed Huening Kai and Beomgyu's hands, telling them to hold on to the others too. Suddenly, I saw a flash of Taehyun's bright jacket being pulled away from safety and I pushed the two boys towards the staff.

"No hyung!" Kai shouted but the chaos was too loud for me to hear him. I pushed against the annoying reporters and fans, thank goodness my black mask and black outfit blended in.

"Taehyun-ah!" I yelled, trying to find him in the crowd. I looked around furiously, praying he wasn't hurt somewhere. I yelled his name again and that's when I found the green jacket on the ground. "Oh, my- No!" I kept turning around in circles as bodies kept pressing against me, trying to get through the human barricade.

That's when I found him.

He was laying on the ground. 

Blood streaked in his hair.

𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘺𝘦 , 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 || SOOBINWhere stories live. Discover now