Part 23

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Chapter 23

The abduction of Eddard Stark was a major embarrassment for the crown. The young Lord was on his way back to the North, and while he was traversing across the Riverlands, the young Lord would find himself caught up in a riot of the Sparrows, where they were said to be burning the followers of the Old god along with the wierwood trees signifying the place of worship in the faith of the First Men.

Many speculate that the abduction was planned, and that the crown was in search of a pretense to declare the Sparrows as vigilantes so they could be brought down without much opposition from the populace. But it should be noted that the Royal Family enjoyed much popular support at that time and needed no justification to declare the Sparrows as outlaws.

Nonetheless, the abduction would cause major havoc for the Crown, especially with their armies away on the campaign in Stepstones. The Crown needed to bring down the Sparrows.

Prince Aemon wrote a strongly worded letter to the Lord of the Trident, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun, yet conspicuously, the old Lord would suddenly die of chills, the lordship going to his son Edmure.

Edmure Tully was the only son of Lord Houster, married to Rosalind Frey. The young Lord was blessed with three children of his own. Unlike his Frey wife, Edmure was said to be an easily swayed man, and his indecisive nature would show as he would refuse the call from The Crown, made no meaningful action against the Sparrows, and continued to provide them with refuge in the Riverlands much to the anger and perplexity of his sword Lords, and his lady wife who would go on to play a major role in resolving this whole mess.



Robert Baratheon had been filled with fury since the campaign against the wretched Blackfyres had begun. His hatred for the pretenders soared after they had made an attempt at the life of his wife and children using his own brother.

Renly had always been fickle and had often felt neglected with both him and Stannis being in Kingslanding, yet he had never expected this of him. Betrayal, and not just that, but kin slaying. It had really surprised him, and when the news about the siege reached him, he had every intention to turn back and cave in that traitor's head.

Yet, his guards and Cersei had been able to react quickly and were able to escape the castle while seeking aid from nearby houses who had been quick to react to the call, readying men to lend aid to their liege lord. In the end, the whole rebellion had been short-lived, with Renly succumbing to arrows fired by men of House Connignton as he tried to capture Cersei.

His brother's death had brought him both a sense of loss and relief, yet with the quick response from Stannis and his bannermen, Storm's End had been brought back under control in less than a fortnight, with Stannis personally beheading all the captured men, ending the rebellion and taking away his chance at revenge.

Yet his rage wouldn't let him seethe, and soon he would have his revenge. And so filled with this rage and determination, Robert watched as the ships of the Golden Company neared the shore of Grey Gallows, the massive armada swallowing up the shoreline as he and his men stood back and waited for their army to land.

Robert stood at the head of the army. Fifteen thousand men trained for war at his back arranged in four battalions stood at his back. He himself was clad in his armor, steel forged by the finest smiths of the continent. The armor was light, given its size, and was ornate enough, decorated with the sigil of his House with several stages of gold carved into the metal along with the massive horns that shot out of the helmet.

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