The start. (C.1)

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Kat awoke, feeling the sunlight beaming on his flank as the birds from the morning sung gracefully. He made his way to the feeding den, seeing his housefolk creating something on the tall, black warmth. Kat purred, happy to see his housefolk again. He padded out into the relaxing den, hopping onto the small, upright bed closest to the clear box to look outside and daydream about catching mice, unfortunately for Kat, his housefolk kept a nicely clean, large den, so it was very rare to see mice.

Kat watched his housefolk walk out of the large entrance connecting the OuterArena into his housefolks den. He watched as the large, shiny destroyer rolled away with his housefolk in it.

Kat was curled up on the longer, weirdly shaped bed, looking around the relaxing den. He noticed that his Housefolk left one of the clear boxes open. He jumped over to the ledge of the Clear box, almost slipping, but Kat dug his claws into the wood and kept himself up.
he took one of his paws, claws unsheathed, and clawed open the holed that separated the OuterArena from the den.
Kat crouched into a leaping position he saw a different cat do on the large reflection and he jumped out, he felt like a bird soaring in the air, he felt magical. He snapped out of a trance and started falling to the ground, screeching and squinting his eyes, he opened his eyed and saw he landed on his feet. "Woah! I landed on my paws!" Kat squeaked out in shock. He set his soft gaze on the forest before him, the talls standing so strong and the destroyers rushing by on the ColdPath.

Kat ran towards the talls, wind rushing past him as he did.
He closed his eyes in excitement, not seeing the tall up ahead. Kat hit the tall, snout first, he fell back into the leaves, shock flowing through him. "O-ow!" He growled, the pain in his snout terrible.
He'd stumble to his paws, looking back and only seeing the talls, small amounts of bright sunlight peaking through. His eyes widened in fear, he only wanted a little sight of the talls, not to be lost!


Kat walked around, only finding the tree he started at, hissing in frustration, he was going around in circles!

He decided to lay down against a thick Tall, its green leaves freshly grown.

????? peaked out from behind the tall Kat laid against, staring in shock

"Huh? Who's that?" Kat whispered, seeing the figure from out of the corner of his eye.

"Huh? Who's that?" Kat whispered, seeing the figure from out of the corner of his eye

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