part 5 [what is this beautiful place]

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??? POV:

I was home going through everything  than I heard a howl

'Thats unusual the wolves normally don't howl unless it something important'

I look out side to see a confused and scared boy with blood on him with claw marks down his arms and chest

'Now thats even weirder the wolves don't attack unless your near his spot...oh just another lost hiker getting close to that boys spot'

'Hey' I shout

He flinches and trys to shrink his figure.

'Hey I not gonna hurt you I just wanna help' I try to coaxs him
[ I don't think I spelled that right anyway back to the story]

He looks up at me septalical, well if I were him I wouldn't trust a stranger after I got attacked by a wolf so I get where he's coming from

' i?' He asks, im a little surprised that he spoke.

'You are at my property'

'Well...where is I can get back...?'

'First let me help you with your injuries'

'What...inj-?' He looks down 'ohhhh'

I chuckle a little at his antics

'Hey what you laughen' at!' He says playfully/angry

Third person POV:

They went to the mystery persons house on the way they past a garden and greenery

They finally get to the house it's a nice cabin but its spacious enough for a nice amount of people

'Your house is nice' america says

'Thank you now follow me this way'

America follows the mysterious figure into a room that has two cabinets filled with medical supplies and a small little bed in the corner with a little table right next to it with a small little lamp

'Can you please go sit down'

America snaps out of his thoughts and go sit down on the bed the guy starts to get supplies out of the cabinets and starts to talk

'My name is Russia if you were wondering



'Thats my name america'

'Well America could you take what part of your shirt left off?'

America does it no complaints its not like he is shirtless well he is just he is covered.

[ its better if I show you]

He already had bandages on so Russia took of the bandages to clean the wounds

After cleaning the wounds he put on new bandages he left the room to get a shirt he could borrow for the time being

While he was getting America a shirt he was wondering why America was so wounded and why the wolves brought him here

America was wondering how he never found this place he loved the woods and always explored it he's swear he been through every part of this forest tho

Another one today wow 👏
And goodbye 👋 see you another time

457 words wow wish I did longer tho any way byee

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