Part two:《the burning pits of hell also known as school》

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Canada's POV

'Well he was a grump this morning' I said, while heading towards the school gate

I am finally in the school just me and my thoughts for today because ame was not want to come which leaves me alone

Japan:no really we didn't know

South:hey be quiet we already messed with the Narrator last chapter! And sorry Narrator for holding up the story I am just really interested in the choice of topic you choose!

Narrator:it is fine but back to the story at hand
PS: i can compliment myself thank you very much (UmU)

Canada's POV

I was peacefully walking through the halls until I heard my name being called and stopped to see who was Calling me and it was surprisingly...


I was walking around the halls because students were supposed to be in their classes, until I see Canada in the hall? Me being confused because this kid isn't the type to skip class.

America yes but Canada? So why is he out here?

So I start to call his name but he seems deep in thought, so I start to call his name louder. He finally stops and starts to look around until he meets me. That is when I finally catch up to him so I asked...

Canada's POV

'What are you doing out here Canada?'

It is Asean he normally doesn't talk to me so why is he now?


'You are Canada correct?'


'So what are you doing here when you are supposed to be in class?'

"What is Asean talking about?" Then I glance at my phone and see that I am late for class.

'Holy maple syurp I'm late!'

I here giggling and see that it is Asean.

'I can take you their if you would like?'

'Yes that would be appreciated'

And so we started off into the school to find my class.
Hello I know that I need to post so I did! I will say this one was a little nervous to write because I was like omg it is the second chapter it is the one that makes them want to continue the story so yeah 😅.

I will not spoil the story but I will say that it his Canada's and America's first year at this school. I know right ame skipping on his first day.

Bye hope too see you soon

What is going on in the woods...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora