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'I still can't believe it,' Ari says, keeping his eyes locked on his wristband, his hand turning the thing on his wrist over and over again. 'The Beach burned down completely.' He almost sounds nostalgic. I can't detect whether he's sad about this event or not. 'It's strange,' Tomoko agrees. 'I stayed there for weeks and now it's suddenly just... gone.'

I look at my own wristband. I didn't really believe in Hatter's philosophy, yet I secretly felt some despair when I couldn't make it to lower than hundred twenty-two. I can sense the same despair on my friend and stepbrother. I'm sure they also didn't believe in the promise we could return home with a full deck of cards, yet the whole place burning down also crushes their hopes completely. I'm not sure how to react. Luckily they're comforting each other.

I take a few steps away from the stairs that lead to the driveway, walking past it to enter the street. I'm not walking further though. I'm just leaning against the wall, keeping my eyes on the bridge that can be seen in the far distance. Yesterday we were able to see the immense fire and even the smokes, but I can't see anything of it anymore. We're just too far away. Now that the smokes have died down, there's no indication of proof that the Beach really isn't standing anymore, yet I know that's the truth. We saw it with our own eyes.

When I bring my hand to my wrist I start untangling the band surrounding it. I keep turning it over and over in my hand, having my eyes fixated on it. I didn't even realise it held so much power over me, and not in a good way. When I look at it now, it reminds me of all the bad things that have happened at that place. It made my friends feel stressed and pressed. It made me feel unsafe. Well, I know the place technically didn't do that but the people residing in it, but that's all over now. I can stop letting it have so much power over me now. I clasp the thing in my fist and throw it away.

'Have you ever considered starting a career as a pitcher?' Niragi asks as he joins me. He brings his hand to his head horizontally, squeezing his eyes slightly whilst acting to look around with a concentrating look on his face. 'I can't even see it anymore, that's how far away you've thrown it.' I roll my eyes as I punch him gently, but I can't restrain myself from smiling at his joke.

'I didn't realise it felt like an iron chain,' I then say in all seriousness. 'I know what you mean,' he replies, bringing his hand to his bare wrist, rubbing it. He also released himself from the thing. 'Tetsuya and I threw it out of the window this morning,' he says, smiling slightly, 'in a competition who could throw it away farther. He won.'

'I should've joined,' I reply. 'I would've won.' His smile becomes a grin. 'Yes,' he agrees, 'you would've.' There's a moment of silence, in which he spreads his arms invitingly. Of course I don't hesitate to hug him. After I enjoyed his warmth for a time, he leans back to look at me. 'Thank you for comforting Tetsuya yesterday,' he says. 'He told me about his struggles this morning, and how you've been there for him.'

I think about my friend telling me he has a hard time missing his beloved. 'I told him we're going to go home,' I sigh. 'We both had some hope. But now that the Beach burned down...'

'You don't have to worry about him losing hope,' Niragi replies, looking at me softly. 'The Beach was weighing him down so much. He feels liberated now that we don't have to go back anymore.' I look at him relieved. 'I am, too,' I say. I can see the same thing applies to him. Niragi seems to be looking a bit different, more at ease and confident. He even grins at me meaningfully. 'Though it is a shame we can't take a shower anymore,' he says with that grin. 'We haven't yet had the chance to soap in each other's back.'

'Niragi!' I exclaim, punching him gently, embarrassed. 'What?' he asks, laughing. 'The others are right there!' I say, nodding at the wall, whilst I in fact mean what's behind it. We're just outside the house. 'So?' Niragi says, his grin everlasting. I have to admit that I like him being like this, not shy or embarrassed, but defiantly playful. 'Well...' I start. Just in case the others can hear us, I step a little closer to him, bringing my mouth close to his ear, whispering: 'We'll have to do that when we get back home, then.'

Alice in Borderland ~ NiragiWhere stories live. Discover now