First Battle

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Sorin's POV

Despite the sun high in the sky, a chilling sensation washed over me, and my body was drenched in cold sweat. The tension in the air was palpable, and I could feel the weight of the impending confrontation bearing down on me. My heart raced, and the cool breeze on my clammy skin only served to intensify the feeling of unease.

As I stood there, staff in hand, I couldn't help but wonder about the woman's intentions and the true nature of the creature she controlled. With every passing moment, the situation grew more precarious, and I knew that I had to be prepared for whatever was to come.

My heart pounded in my chest as the woman snapped her fingers, summoning a sinister magic circle beneath the feet of the riftwarg. It was clear that the confrontation had escalated, and I had little time to react. The sense of impending danger was overwhelming, and I knew that I had to act swiftly to protect myself.

With a surge of adrenaline, I focused my thoughts and channeled my magic into my staff. The swirling winds around me responded, and I prepared to unleash a spell that would hopefully keep me safe from whatever dark forces the woman and her creature intended to unleash.

With the riftwarg lunging at me at an alarming speed, I knew I had to act quickly. My hands glowed with a silvery-blue hue as I gripped my staff tightly. With a quick, fluid motion, I began to spin the staff in a circular pattern, creating a violent whirlwind of air around me.

The riftwarg was already in mid-air, but the swirling winds I had summoned served as a protective barrier. The creature's lunge was met with resistance as it struggled against the powerful currents of air. I could feel the strain in my arms as I maintained control over the tempest I had created.

My heart raced as I focused all my energy on keeping the riftwarg at bay, praying that my makeshift defense would hold long enough for me to figure out my next move.

With a final surge of power, I channeled the energy through my staff and released it in a concentrated burst of air. The shockwave rippled outward, striking the riftwarg with incredible force. The creature let out a deafening roar as it was sent tumbling through the air, its body battered by the unseen onslaught.

I watched as the riftwarg was flung away from me, its red eyes filled with fury and pain. It crashed into the dense underbrush of the forest, disappearing from sight. The sudden silence that followed was almost deafening, broken only by the rustling of leaves and the sound of my own ragged breaths.

I lowered my staff, my heart still pounding in my chest. The woman who had summoned the riftwarg stared at me, her eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and annoyance. It seemed my impromptu defense had caught her off guard.

" I must admit, you are a unique, child," her tone is full of mockery.

I stood my ground, my staff still at the ready. I couldn't let her words shake me. Instead, I tried to match her mocking tone. "Unique? Well, I've been called worse. But I don't have time for idle chatter. Who are you, and what do you want?"

"Mordred," she said with a smirk, her voice dripping with arrogance. "Remember that name, for it's the last one you'll hear."

As Mordred summoned her riftwarg back to its dimension, a sense of relief washed over me. But that relief was short-lived, for Mordred wasted no time in conjuring a dark and eerie magic circle. The atmosphere around us grew heavy, and a sense of foreboding filled the air.

I watched with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as the magic circle took shape. It was unlike anything I had ever seen before, its intricate symbols and patterns pulsating with an ominous energy. It was clear that Mordred was not to be underestimated, and I needed to be prepared for whatever she had in store.

I tightened my grip on my staff, my mind racing as I tried to come up with a plan. As the battle wore on, I could feel my energy waning. My mana was nearly depleted, and my body felt heavy and exhausted. Mordred, on the other hand, seemed to draw strength from the dark magic she was conjuring.

I knew I had to act fast, or I would be at a severe disadvantage. With what little mana I had left, I focused my thoughts and channeled it into my staff. I needed to buy myself some time to recover, so I cast a defensive spell. A shimmering barrier of air formed around me, providing a temporary shield against Mordred's impending attack.

But I couldn't stop there. I had to come up with a plan, a way to turn the tide of the battle in my favor. As Mordred's spell continued to take shape, I racked my brain for any spells or tactics that could give me the upper hand. I couldn't afford to lose this fight, not when so much was at stake.

Mordred's keen eyes didn't miss a beat. She noticed the shimmering barrier that now surrounded me. Her dark laughter filled the air as she realized what I was trying to do.

"Oh, trying to buy yourself some time, little wizard?" she taunted. "How adorable."

I didn't respond to her mockery. Instead, I focused all my remaining energy on maintaining the protective barrier. It might not be strong enough to withstand her full power, but it was my best chance at survival for now.

As Mordred's dark spell neared completion, I knew I had to make my move soon. But with my mana nearly depleted, I needed to be precise and strategic.

"Now, hold still young wizard as I drain your power," she exclaimed. "But don't worry, I will put your magic on good use."

Before I could react she already unleashed her potent spell.

"Soul Drain!"

Hundreds of dark energy that resembles a hand emerged from different direction. With a swift hand motion of Mordred, it attacked without mercy.

The onslaught of dark energy hands closed in on me from all directions. Each one was a malevolent force, reaching out to grab and crush me. With my protective barrier barely holding up, I had to act swiftly.

But before I can react, Mordred's attack doubled and all I can hear is her maniacal laugh that sent shivers on my being.

As I was struck by Mordred's devastating attack, pain coursed through my body. The dark energy enveloped me, draining my magic power and mana at an alarming rate. I could feel my strength waning, and panic gripped my heart.

Desperation fueled my actions. With whatever little magic I could muster, I tried to create a protective barrier, but it was feeble and flickered like a dying candle. The relentless onslaught continued, and I knew I couldn't hold out much longer.

In that dire moment, as darkness threatened to consume me, I found myself drifting through a whirlwind of memories. I saw the familiar faces of my family and friends in Mistwood, their smiles and laughter etched into my heart. I remembered the countless hours I spent studying magic with Chief Aamon, the laughter shared with Erick and Layla, and the peaceful moments by the serene lake.

As Mordred's attack continue to ravage my battered body, a single tear escape my ayes. 'Is this the end?'

As light started to dim, all I can hear is the continues buzzing and the distant familiar laughter of Mordred. I can't feel my body anymore, all I can feel is the excruciating pain.

But before I succumb to darkness, I heard it. The words that will forever etched on my mind.


Owemji, what could it be?

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