Chapter 1

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Our story begins in a not-so-great spot for one of our heroes. Sado, who has been framed for murder and narrowly escaped his home country with a mysterious orb, has a broken ankle, a few sprained joints, broken tech, and no clue where he is. "God damn it!" He yells and throws his sword at a tree. <Why did it happen to me? WHY ME?!> He ponders this question for a second. And thinks back to recent events that might've caused this...

7 years earlier...
"I've finally made it!" A young, 17 year old Sado looks around, eyes beaming with excitement. His new campus is so shiny! With sleek, white walls and gold engravings, it's nothing he could've even dreamed of seeing. So many people of so many different races, it's amazing. They talk and bicker, it makes Sado wonder how this year will turn out for him. His tail thrashes wildly and his fins flap in the wind, hitting someone square in the face. Hey, watch where you're going!" He says. "I-I'm so sorry!" Sado panics. The changeling looks at him and sighs. His hood dangling off his bear leather coat. He wears a white shirt and sleek brownish pants. "It's okay." He says. "I shouldn't have yelled." He bows. "I'm Makino. Pleasure to meet you." Makino holds out his hand and Sado shakes it, shooting Makino a smile. "No problem. I'm Sado. Nice to meet you." Sado looks around curiously. "So, what do you think-" Makino beams. "Oh, you should meet my friends. You could join our group! We'll probably need a smart looking dragonborn like yourself. Come on!" "Huh? What do you m- woah!" He takes Sado's hand and leads him through the crowd until they come across an air ginasi and an elf. Makino points to the ginasi. "This here is Dropnier and the other one is Vinte." Dropnier smiled and shook Sado's hand. "Nice to meet you." He says. "You too." Sado says. Sado then turns to the elf, who is wearing a red shirt, black leggings, a short black skirt, and and white shoes. The feathery headband in her black hair just adds to her stunning form. "Hello! I'm Vinte. Pleasure to meet you!" She shakes his hand. "The pleasure is mine." Sado replies. At this moment, it's possible Sado developed a small crush on the elf. Of course, it wouldn't last because he gets with his beloved, but later on dead, wife Silvia in a few years. Anyways, back to our story. Sado and his new companions talk and chat about what they are thinking on doing in life (Sado: Artificier. Makino: Ranger. Vinte: Blood hunter. Dropnier: Warlock) when an announcement came on. /WE WILL NOW BE ANNOUNCING THE ASSIGNED CLASSES\ One after another, each team was called until: /OUR NEXT TEAM OF 4 IS: VINTE, MAKINO, DROPNIER, AND SADO!\ "Finally. Let's go up." Makino says. We step up and see a tall teifling, who wpre a purple robe with all sorts of symbols and a fancy, purple tux. "You may refer to me as Principal Tyretheus. I'm astounded to meet you. Now, what is your team name?" Our faces went blank. "What should we say?" Vinte whispered. That's when the thought came to me. "We... are Team Wildfire! And we're gonna burn it all down!" I say with pride. "I do you hope there will be no burning of school property." The principal says. "Yes sir!" We say in unison. "Now... if you want to pass this class, you are going to need to find your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Eldermoss. She went missing quite recently." "Then how are you so calm?" Dropnier asks. "Because I believe you four have the wits and skills to find her. Now, head to her classroom where she was last seen and start searching. Her classroom is number 27 in building 3." We head to the classroom as quick as possible. The halls were wide and had many silver lockers on the walls. We reach her classroom and knock. "I'll check the neighboring room." Dropnier says. "And I'll head to the library!" Vinte says and runs off. "And we didn't even ask why." Sado says and facepalms. Sado opens the door, taking a peek inside with Makino. The class is filled with plants and desks and the teachers desk is filled with notes and documents. The room has a pleasant smell, like roses almost. Then, Makino points to a leaf note. "Look there." He picks up the note and it says 'Where roots intertwine, answers you will find' I look around the room and settle for the hammock. "It looks pretty intertwined to me." Sado says. He lies down on the hammock and hears whispering. That's when Sado notices a leaf wall next to him. He gets close to it and hears 'beyond the leaves, beyond the trees, beyond the stones' "Beyond the leaves, beyond the trees, beyond the stones. Where would that- Makino?" Makino was running out the classroom in seconds. "That's wierd." Sado says. "Dropnier!" Dropnier comes rushing in, his nose plugged by his fingers. "What happened to you?" Sado asked. "Chamberpots... neighboring room... so many" He manages to squeak. "You idiot. That's so gross." Sado says, disgusted by the thought. Sado was about to tell him what he heard when he noticed something shiny on the teacher's desk. "Do you see that?" Dropnier turns to the desk. "What do you mean?" He asks, unaware of the object. I pick it up and notice it looks slightly like a snow globe. The words "enchanted forest" magically appear in the glass, giving me an idea. "So that's what that wall was saying." I say quietly. "What are you talking about?!" Dropnier  shrieks, completely confused by what I am talking about. I catch him up and tell him that we need to head to the library to find Vinte. We rush over there and see a flying teal turtle, with a massive bruise on its head. He says that an elf passed through and pointed towards the way. We rush over there and find Makino and Vinte, lying on the ground, in pain. "Now what? Are you guys okay?" I ask, shaking my head in disapproval. "Well... let me tell you, it is not pretty..." Makino starts.

Dnd: The path to Greatnessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें