Chapter 3: Finding The Grail

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"Chapter Start!"


(3rd person POV)

"Nagao... Kagetora...?" Rin think for a second before an answer pop into her head, "The Japanese Daimyo, Eusugi Kenshin from the Eusugi clan..."

'...And the Echigo's God of War...What an amazingly dangerous individual you summon Hiro...' What an incredible luck he indeed have, but before he can even process anything he feel a sudden shift in atmosphere, and it seems it's not only him who feel it...



Before anything else, Kagetora quickly leaped towards Rin with her spear ready to end it with a single strike, But she was block a blonde king who somehow... have quite the familiar face with her...

"Waaaa! That was clumsy on me to reveal my True Name infront of so many Servant's!" Kagetora embarrassingly said as her cheeks glow a light pink colour, but the innocent cute face can't change the fact that she was clashing her spear with the King of Knight. "And that girl know quite a lot about me... Well, No problem~! I'm just going to finish all of you!" She said with such innocent smile that very well the contradict the aggressive action she take.

"But of course..."

*rattle* *rattle*

I can't do that if you hold me down, Master..." Kagetora look back to send her Master a small pout, as she was being held by a golden chain that comes from her Master's palm.


'What an amazing luck you truly have, Hiro...'

One Explanation Later
Fuyuki's Bridge

"U-uwaah-! That was quite embarrassing! Sorry, I almost killed you um... Rin? Rin was it? Sorry Rin-chan!" Kagetora apologize like she wasn't not only threatened but also attempted to end someone's life insurance permanently.

"For someone who was almost killed, you actually quite calm..." Ophelia questioned the calmness of the raven-haired girl, who only shrugged her shoulders.

"Trying to survive an attack from an 8ft breathing tank with nine lives, do that to you"

"... A what?"

"Magic dust! Magic dust do that to you!"

"I'm pretty sure you said-"

"Listen here Ophelia, It's better not to jinx it, okay?" Ophelia was reluctant but drop it down as she classified it as the cause of the... "Magic Dust" Rin overdose on.

Meanwhile as they continue to investigate the singularity, Gudako have her self a question he would like to question to her servant.


"You not gonna do... what she just did, right?" She question the Lancer in a blue tights as answer with a shake of his head.

"Nope! But the more I think about it, rather than Lancer that girl is more fitted to be a Berserker..." Cu Chulainn voice his suspicion before shrugging it off, "Who am I to talk? There's a literally Archer who used swords for a primary, what a Lancer with a psychopathic tendencies gonna do?"

"Wait! wait! wait! Hol'up! An Archer who primary in swords...?" She questioned as the blue Lancer nods, "Did they throw it or...?" She imitated a sword clashing against each other.

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