Going to School

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[A.N.]- language maybe:S all Zayn's POVs probably have this

*Zayn's P.O.V*

I took one last look in the mirror before I left. Why the fuck do I care so much about the way I look? Oh god, I'm acting like a girl. I had on a black T-shirt that showed off my muscles, and loose jeans. I was wearing low red converse and my fringe fell into my eyes as normal.

I sighed, then walked out of my house. It was sunny today, for August, so it was nice just to walk. Tori's house wasn't that far from mine actually. Tori... Damn that girl looked good yesterday.

It took extreme efforts not to check her out all the time like the guys were doing, I knew that if she wasn't there with me Jacob would have gone straight for her, I shook my head. Everyone thinks she's my girlfriend now, that's why I'm walking her to school.

Well, that's what I tell myself. I'm actually walking her to school because I like her. No point in lying to myself, I liked Tori, despite what I told her. Just because I liked her doesn't mean I didn't love Sophie. I'm not sure if I still loved Sophie since I think she's a bitch now.

Tori didn't mention their conversation to me, but Soph did. She didn't say much, just 'nice little conversation with your whore there.' Then she walked away. Bitch. Tori wasn't a whore, like Sophie. Tori was sweet and kind, smart and cute and funny and innocent. Way too good for me.

There was two reasons that stopped me from kissing her goodnight yesterday, one was Sophie. I still had feelings for her, I mean that's one fucking hot body, but I also loved her personality, was it all a fake? Another reason was Tori herself. That girl was too fucking perfect and good for me, I might hurt her.

I shook my head, sending away the bad thoughts. Tori still loved that Jack prick anyway.

I remembered what I text Tori yesterday, 'I should have kissed you'. Dammit, I hope it wouldn't be awkward today. You know those texts you send in the middle of the night and you're not really sure what you're writing, then you regret them in the morning? That's what this was.

Before long I was at Tori's house, I lifted my hand to the doorbell but before I could press it a ball of red hair pounced on me. "ZAYN!" She screamed in my ear.

"Ow." I said, rubbing the side she screamed on.

"Oops." She muttered, a blush showing across her freckled cheeks. I looked her up and down, she was wearing skinny jeans, the same shoes as yesterday, and a white tank top. There was no make up on her. To be honest, I couldn't care less what she was wearing, that girl was goddamn near perfect.

I noticed she was staring at me so I smirked at her, "You have drool on your chin, Tors." She wiped her chin quickly and I laughed, she glared at me, "Now you're blushing!"

"Damnit! I always blush!"

"I think it's cute." I said, staring at her, a small smile on my lips. She blushed even deeper. I reached out and took her hand, "lets go."

We walked along the pavement in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence, in fact, it was quite comfortable. Our arms swung in between us. What Sophie said to me yesterday popped into my head again, curiosity won out.

"So, what did you and Sophie talk about yesterday?" I brung up casually. She stared at me, her beautiful green eyes widening in shock. "Sophie told me she talked to you, I saw her walking away."

"Oh." I waited for her to say more, to my surprise her eyes welled up with tears. I stopped her and before I could ask her what's wrong she spoke again, looking into my eyes, "I don't want to tell you because I'm scared you won't like me anymore."

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