Chapter 16: Web Slingers

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Everyone just stared at us like we were crazy.

"Oh hell no. If I knew we were going have to save Midgard I would have brought my super suit." Rocket said.

"How much of a threat is he? And do we know for sure he's coming here?" Kitty asked.

"So people are definitely taking the news well." Kris said sarcastically to me.

"Guys we have to do this, we have to save Jumanji. Or earth in our situation." I said in a motivational tone.

"That's a real woman right there." Starlord said.

"But what exactly can two puny humans like you do to save us if Ultron is really as bad as you say." Mean Nebulla stated.

"Hey! Don't talk to Kris like that! And see how I came to your defence right away, unlike some people in here." Drax said while staring at Tony.

Kris just smiled while I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of super suits. What suit are you wearing Tess?" Starlord asked.

I looked down and saw that I was still wearing the amazing power enhancing suit I got in Wakanda.

"It's from my home planet. It has the ability to enhance individuals skills and powers. Kind of like a catalyst for supers." T'Challa from the multiverse answered.

"You know I bet with Stark technology and my brain, I can make more of these suits here. You try to do that Drax." Tony sassed.

Drax looked like he was about to throw a punch but Groot and Starlord held him back.

"Save it for another time bud." Peter said.

While Drax and Tony were sorting out their drama T'Challa, Bruce, and Amelia were all assessing my suit.

"Yes it should be very easy with the right tech. Luckily I have some research from Wakanda still. We will need a couple of us working on it so we can make more faster." T'Challa said.

"I fully agree. Once Tony is done being emasculated by Drax, the four of us should get on this." Bruce said.

"Hey?!" Tony whined.

"Nothing personal of course." Kris said sweetly.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Tony huffed.

While Tony was having his hissy fit. Bruce, T'Challa and Amelia  started making there way to the lab.

"Don't you need to go with them. I'll keep an eye on Kris while you're gone." Drax said to To t while casually putting an arm around Kris.

Tony looked like he was about to explode. His tolerance level was getting pushed through the roof.

"Drax is right Tony, we need you working on the suit. I'll keep an eye on Drax. If he tries anything I still have nice Nebulla here to punch him if things get out of hand." I promised Tony.

He gave me an appreciative glance while Kris was taking Draxs arm off of her.

"So what are the rest of us suppose to do?" Mark asked once the others left.

"I'm just wondering something. If you guys travelled here, I bet Dr. Strange can send you all back and you can get help." Jen pondered.

"I don't know if that's the best idea. We may need them to help fight." Kris said.

"But they could bring back an army. It's risky but we may have to take it." I said.

"But why would we want to come back and help these lying Collector scum?" Mean Nebulla growled.

"Because if the main timeline collapses then the rest will after us. We are everyone best hope of survival." Dr. Strange answered.

"Okay that makes sense to me. Do you think you can find the right spell?" Kris asked Dr. Strange.

"I'll get on it right away. I'll start bringing people over to my head quarters." Steven Strange said.

The out of towners all left with Steven. I quickly changed out of the suit to give to Tony so they could replicate it. Kris, the guardians, and our original team from training days headed off to a secluded training area on the roof of the building.

"I have another set of skills that I wanted to show everyone." I said.

Starlord had a concerned look on his face. I took my position and I ran for all my night and jumped off the edge. Everyone came running after me and just when they thought I was a goner, I flew my hands out and used my webs to swing myself back onto the roof where everyone else was.

"What the heck Tess! When did you learn this?" Starlord asked in awe of me.

"I got bit by a spider during our multiverse hopping." I answered.

"Yes! Now we have even more in common! Peter Parked exclaimed.

"Right! I was so excited to show you!" I exclaimed.

"And now her powers are finally on par with the rest of us." Kris mumbled.

"My wife the web slinger. I'm so proud. And we are definitely going to take advantage of those later." Starlord whispered to me.

"I think I just threw up in my mouth." Kris muttered.

"And that's not all we learned. Scarlett Witch showed us a couple of spells and fighting skills that the rest of our trope could benefit from." I said changing the conversion.

"This is a great start. Hopefully it'll be enough when Ultron comes. Why don't Tess and I start training with people and Kris you go check on Tony and see how they are coming along with the suit?" Steve Rogers asked.

"And I'll go with her! Can't have her getting lost and never making her way back to Tony." Drax piped in.

"So that means that Groot and I are coming too to keep an eye on Drax." Rocket said.

"Great! The more the merrier. We just might have a fighting chance." Kris said trying to be optimistic.

"Lets hope so. Or life as we know it is going to change." I agreed.

"Just one non-negotiable I have. Ali stays with me." Kris stated.

"Fine with us. Right Drax?" Rocket asked.

"Yeah, I'm totally okay with sharing Kris attention between Myself, Tony, and Ali now." Drax said in a jealous tone.

"Great! We will meet again in a few hours to see how everything is coming along." I said.

"If we live that long." Kris stated.

"Kris!" We all yelled.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Not friendship!" I exclaimed.

And with that she was off to check on Tony and the rest of the gang.

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