Chapter 15: The Challenge

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After a very cramped and awkward flight later (Drax wouldn't stop giving Tony death glares), we finally made it back to the Avengers campus. We made our way to the classic lab that was used to defeat Loki the first time he invaded NewYork.

"It's so good to be back! I can't believe it took me so long. I wonder if my room is the same as how I left it." I stated.

Before I left to join the guardians we each got a separate apartment all to ourselves when we officially became an Avenger.

"Uhh I hate to break it to you but we kinda pulled a Monica on you." Kris said sheepishly.

"What?! You turned my apartment into a gym! Don't you have enough of those?" I demanded.

"Well cyber tech has really taken off here at the Tower so lots of the previous gyms got turned to computer and tech labs." Amelia started to say.

"And since you and Jenny both left it just made sense to convert your rooms into our new training areas." Kris finished.

"I hate to interrupt this very important moment but before Tess and Kris showed up in our spaceship, I thought Tess was going to die from continuous seizures." Starlord interrupted.

"Yeah I wonder what happened to my body when that was happening to Tess." Kris said.

"It was more like you where there one minute and then next you were gone so we didn't actually think you were in any harm." Tony said.

"Wait let me get this straight. I was gone for over half an hour and you didn't bother to come look for me?" Kris asked livid.

"I would always come after you if you were missing for 2 minutes let alone an hour and a half." Drax stated.

Nebula elbowed him in the side before saying "not know Drax."

Kris was about explode on Tony for a few minutes before we were interrupted by a cute British accent.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I've seem to make a wrong turn out of Cairo."

"Steven!" Kris and I exclaimed.

"Is Mark here too?" I asked.

Steven and Mark were both doppelgängers for Moonknight.

"Who cares about Mark. Steven was obvious the way cooler persona." Kris stated.

"Ouch, and yes I'm here too. The funniest thing happened to us." Mark began to say.

"Let me guess. You guys were fighting Egyptian gods and then the next minute you were seeing stars and being ripped away from your reality." I finished.

"Yes!" They both exclaimed in owe.

"Ugh who the heck is Steven? And why does Kris here think he's cooler than Mark?" Tony asked starting to get jealous.

"Yeah and who the heck is Mark, Tess?" Peter asked starting to raise his voice.

All of a sudden a possessive hand came around my should as if I was getting pulled into a hug.

"You might want to rethink the tone you use with my girlfriend." Logan aka Wolverine said.

"Excuse you? Your what now?" Peter practically yelled.

"If you don't mind me interfering. I have some questions on my own. I was just about to ask Kris out on a date after Tess modelled our new vibranium suit for us but it seems like she is claimed by this Steven guy." T' Challa said.

"Kris is not dating Steven! If she was dating somebody else it would be me." Drax put in.

"I'm still hung up on Logan here thinking Tess is his girlfriend." Peter said.

"Well she is. And why would it matter to you?" Logan asked in a threatening manner.

"Uh maybe because she's my wife!" Peter fought back.

And just when it couldn't get any worse one more person showed up making everything more confusing.

"When did Tess become your wife? Last I heard she was the Collectors scum and you and I were happy together." Nebula from the worst universe ever said.

Peter just stared at new Nebula and original Nebula and at me with confusion in his face.

"Quill and I? Disgusting!" Original Nebulla exclaimed trying not to puke.

"Hey, Tess obviously found me attractive." Peter said defensively.

"Holy crap this is getting out of control." I said to Kris.

"I think it's time you guys explain everything." Jen said.

"Yeah it's about damn time." Tony said aggravated.

"Okay everyone listen up. Logan I'm not your girlfriend. I'm the one you chased off the grounds for being an imposter. New Nebulla, this is my Starlord which was why I accidentally kissed yours." I said.

"You kissed someone else?" Peter asked.

"I'll get to that." I answered.

"T' Challa, I'm not the Kris you were flirting with before. That one was part of your timeline and mine is here with Tony." Kris said gently.

"And to everyone else, Steven and Mark were just our friends that we helped when we were in Egypt." I continued.

"The reason why there is so much confusion because in either our absence or our seizures. We were actually caught up in the multiverse." Kris began to explain.

"Oooh all of these extra people are starting to make sense now." Kitty said.

"Why you two though? How come the rest of us didn't go with you?" Starlord asked.

"At first we thought it was random but this creepy guy in the sky called the Watcher said we had information and a purpose for time traveling." I answered.

"We learned many new skills and received enough information for what's coming ahead." Kris continued.

"And where does Alligator Loki, sorry Ali come into all this?" Tony backtracked while getting a glare from Kris.

"Ali is my new best friend so he had to come with us!" Kris huffed.

"Hey!" Tony and I said at the same time.

"Sorry after you guys of course." Kris said while giving Ali a look meaning she didn't believe it.

"Anyway, let's move on." Peter said.

So we continued telling them all the events of what happened to us when we were gone. Finishing with Ultron and how he has conquered and ruined all previous universes before heading to ours.

"So we're screwed." Drax stated.

"Not quite, three eyed Dr. Strange said that our timeline is the only one that can stop Ultron." I said.

"And how are we supposed to do that? We know Ultron is coming but that doesn't help us at all if he already has an army." Tony whined.

"Tess and I learned a few tricks along the way, plus I have an idea that might save us all." Kris said.

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