Chapter 14: Home

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The world seemed to stop as I slowly looked up and saw my Peter for the first time in what felt like ages. I was still standing in the same spot when I first got whisked away.

"Tess! Tess! Can you hear me?" Peter yelled as he shook me getting me out of my state.

I just smiled and brought him in for the best kiss of our marriage by far.

"Ahem, we are here too." Jen said breaking me out of my spell.

"PDA!" Kris teased.

A slight blush crept onto my face while Peter let out a little scream. Rocket and Drax came running in to see what the commotion was.

"Why is there an Alligator dressed in a Loki costume?" Rocket asked.

"And how did Kris get here? Not that we mind because Kris is welcome here anytime but not Tony." Drax said in a serious tone.

Kris pulled Drax in for a side hug before saying "good to see you too Drax. And before you ask Tony and I are still happily married."

Drax developed a slight crush on Kris over the years.

"Ha, I was just kidding. I would never want Tony to die in a space crash or anything." Drax laughed off.

"Or have created a one man show about Tony reaching a tragic demise by Loki's hand a few years back. And the only person around who cared enough to console Kris during that time just happened to be Drax" Rocket muttered.

"Pfft that does not sound like I would do," Drax said.

"Real smooth Drax." Rocket said sarcastically.

"Umm are we forgetting the fact that for the past five minutes Tess has been slipping in and out of consciousness leaving me a panicked mess." Peter said.

"Yeah he was a real baby about it too." Nebula said in a tired voice.

"So all of our past adventures was only the span of five minutes, strange," I muttered.

"We have to go back to find Tony! Then we can explain what happened." Kris exclaimed.

"Yes, finding Tony, that is what we all want to do." Drax said in an unconvincing voice.

"Drax, let it go. There's nothing that you can do while Tony is alive." Peter said.

The rest of us chuckled while Drax had a huge scowl on his face. In no time we were back to the beautiful city of Anaheim, home to the happiest place on earth. Luckily we had Coulson's invisibility tech that they used on the bus for our spaceship so we could park anywhere. In no time we were standing on Main Street with a churro in my hand.

"So I know that we are all excited about being back in Disneyland, but for now we have more important things to worry about." Peter said.

"Speak for yourself. Ali and I are having a great time." Kris said while sharing a mickey shaped ice cream sandwich.

"Now Drax has two people to be jealous of, Tony and Alligator Loki," Rocket laughed.

"I hate to rush us during this fantastic place, but I agree with Quill. The three of us know what's at stake if we don't find the rest of the avengers." Jen said.

"Ahem the four of us know what's at stake. Ali is just much a person here as anyone else." Kris said defensively.

"Look no one here is insulting Ali, we are just as terrified by him in this form as we are in his human form. And as much as I am dying to ride Mickey's  and Minnie's Runnaway Railroad, we do need to find Tony." I said begrudgingly.

"Can you remember where the two of you were before we were taken to the multiverse?" Jen asked.

"Woah! You guys travelled to different universes? Why didn't you say anything?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry we will tell you once we find the rest of the Avengers."  I answered reassuringly.

Kris tried to retrace her steps. We first went to New Orleans square since that was her last memory of Tony. Unfortunately since we came back to the guardians first, more time passed for her than it did for me. Kris tried calling Tony's phone but between all the time jumping and the weird wave lengths that Bruce and Amelia found, our phones were completely useless. We headed towards Rise of the Resistance and even went as far as telling people we knew people ahead of us in line (which we all felt embarrassed of). We got as far as the gun room before we started to loose hope.

"Do you think they would have gone back to the Avengers tower?" I asked Kris. 

"I don't know.  I just knew Tony was really looking forward to this ride and wouldn't leave before getting on it." She answered.

I was about to call it a day, but then all of a sudden we heard the familiar tone of voice of Iron Man himself.

"Tony!" Kris exclaimed. Her face lit up and she started to run past even more people in line.

I gave everyone apologetic looks before finally seeing my former team mates. Kris gave Tony a warm embrace and a huge kiss before realizing that she had an audience. 

"There you are! And it seems like you found Tess and the rest of the Guardians." Tony said in dazed voice.

"You guys made it!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Did we ever." I answered.

"Does somebody want to explain the alligator dressed in Loki horns and how Jen escaped parison?" Bruce asked.

"One, that alligator is actually another version of Loki from the multiverse as well as Jen. Two, we are calling him Ali for short. And three, Ali and Kris are best friends so if anyone messes with him you also have to deal with Kris." I answered.

Everyone just looked at us with shocked and confused expressions.

"I have so many more questions now," Steve muttered.

"We understand, and we will explain everything once we head back to the Avengers tower." I said.

"But first, let's save the resistance before we save the world." Kris said.

"Kris!" We all yelled.

"Dang I was so hoping you would forget about that saving the world business. Alright let's head back, but after this is all said and done I am riding this ride and not even Kylo Ren will get in my way." Kris said defiantly.

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