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JOHN 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

╚═════ ∘◦ ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═════╝

7:47 - 8:02 p.m.

"You seen somethin' funny...?" I said slowly, propping Benny's old phone between my shoulder and ear.

The man on the other end gruffed, "Yeah, that's what I said, didn't I?" My eyes rolled at his uppity tone. "I said that I was walking my dog over by the old Creel house which was lit up with blue light. Then a girl ran out and started climbing on the play structure across the street."

"Are you sure it wasn't a little girl that lived there?"

A brusque snort crackled from the line. "The Creel house hasn't been lived in for over twenty-five years. God, are you stupid or something?"

A nasty taste collected in my mouth and before I could stop my sharp tongue, it sliced a not-so-sweet southern reply.

"No, are you, you dumb fuck?"

"What the hell you say-?!"

The phone was slammed back onto the wall, my hand rattling on top of it.

That fucking asshole!
What a complete-

"Woah, that seemed intense." Her comment came from behind me, making me jump. Turning, I found Tibby there, cleaning her glasses off with the flannel wrapped around her body. She quirked her brows up. "Are you okay?"

Tibby Bao seemed like a nice enough girl. She was nice when she wasn't quiet or off making chit-chat with S.J., most of the time without me. I got it. I was the new addition. They didn't know me. I was some random girl who came from nowhere Texas a handful of days ago.

S.J. was the air-headed jock type, Tibby the brainiac, and Jason was...becoming increasingly distant. Although, there was one thing that bound us together. Chance Stargrove. Especially with Tibby...

Over the time I spent with the scrawny girl, I had formed this hunch that there was something more between my ex-girlfriend and her supposed 'bestie'.

"Yeah." My tone came out harsher than I had intended it to. A tightness seized my shoulders. Tibby was looking down at me with a double-take askance in her expression. To soften myself, I tried adding, "I'm fine."

Fucking shit.
Why do I have a resting bitch voice?
How is that even a thing??

With her cheeks starting to color, Tibby nodded, "Okay, well you're obviously not...so sorry." She shuffled her sneakers on the beer-stained carpet, leaning toward the end of the hallway. "I'll just go see what um- S.J.'s up to."

Of course.
Go back to S.J.
Why would you want to even try to keep a conversation going?
Especially after you fuck-

"You slept with her, didn't you?" The accusation leaped out of my throat. A horrified gasp followed and I clapped my palms over my mouth to keep myself from spewing out anything else so awful.

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐒𝐇// 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐗𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now