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"That'll be $2.75, Kid." The register in front of me chimed open, waiting for the delivery of cold hard cash. Digging around in my pocket, I found my wad of bills and placed two crumpled ones on the store's counter. Next, I nudged Eddie, who had the coins on him.

He promptly slipped off his shoe, depositing a few shiny coins in the hand of the disgusted cashier. The money was taken away and we were traded a box of Bindle's chocolate-covered cherries, Mama's favorite.

"I think that finishes us off." Eddie gnawed on a complimentary candy cane we had gotten upon entering Bindle's candy store. "We're all done Christmas shopping. Although, I don't know why you were so dead set on getting those chocolates. We could've gotten nine comics for that much money! Or even that new Fleetwood Mac record you've been wanting."

"Eddie, I already told you." I huffed, the bags on my arm tipping me a little to the side. The mall buzzed with shoppers, hunting for the perfect gifts. "Mama told me that she's coming for Christmas. She promised."

"She sounded drunk when she called." He said quietly, avoiding my gaze as he spoke. "All slurry and everything. Are you sure she's coming?"

"Of course, she's coming, Dummy. It's Christmas!" Throwing my hands up from excitement, I could feel my insides warming up. Mama would come. She had to come. "It's just like all the greeting cards say, Christmas is the time of magic."

A winter wonderland display caught our eye. We halted to stare at the beautiful fantasy mall workers had crafted. Santa's throne stood proudly in the center of the bustling mall. Photographers centered around the area, ready to take pictures of little children with Saint Nick.

"Where's Santa Claus?" Asked Eddie, brushing up against me with his tattered winter coat. My eyes drifted to the little sign on Santa's empty throne.

Will be back in 15

"He must've gotten hungry." Proudly putting two and two together, I grabbed Eddie's mittened hand and began pulling him over to the line of children. "We'll just have to wait for him. He's probably off eating cookies or something."

"Chance, you don't still think Santa Claus is real, do you?" He laughed with the edge of a scoff. Even in his blatant nonbelief, he allowed me to drag him to the line.

Background Music
-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus by The Jackson 5-
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Turning my nose up, I answered. "Well of course I do." That was a lie. I just liked having him endlessly argue about the logical nature of Santa Claus. "Who else puts the presents underneath the tree each year?"

"Tom and Uncle Wayne." Eddie insisted. "Not Santa Claus. I mean, aren't we a little too old to be taking pictures with Santa? If Jason saw us here, he'd beat me up for sure."

"Are you going to let Jason Carver control your life, Eddie?" Pursing my lip, I arched my brow over at my friend. "Or are you going to take nice pictures with me so we can show Daddy and Wayne?"

After a moment of pondering, I broke him down. "Fine." He grumbled, putting an arm around my shoulder. "I'll get my picture taken with a creepy old bearded guy."

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐒𝐇// 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐗𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now