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JULY 31, 1975; JASON
1:18 - 1:30 p.m.
TW: Sexual harassment
P.S. I do not condone his actions/thoughts

"S.J.?" A strange voice called out for my friend from down the hall. "S.J., you in here?" In the center of his bedroom door, a small redheaded girl revealed herself.

I stopped messing with the trucks I had been wheeling across S.J.'s bed, the Hot Wheels staying stagnant in my grasp.

The new girl looked at me, blinking slowly with big brown eyes. She smiled sweetly, the freckles on her face crinkling. A bubblegum-colored party hat was at a tilt on her head. The kind that was cone-shaped and had 'It's My Birthday' splashed across it.

"Happy Birthday, Chance." S.J. pushed himself off of the bed, shuffling over to hug the girl.

Oh, this is Chance?

They released each other after a kiddish squeeze, grins prominent on their faces. I was smiling along with them for no rhyme or reason except for maybe the freckled girl's presence.

"Hi." She waved at me, her hair curtaining her face. The pink cowboy boots Chance wore clacked on S.J.'s bedroom floor as she got closer. Tilting her head to the side, she asked, "Who's your friend, Cousin?"

"Jason," I answered, my voice crackly. "My name's Jason. I live down the street."

"My mom said it was okay that he came over for your party," S.J. explained, shrugging his shoulders. "Y'know, 'cus you don't have any friends or anything yet."

"Yes, I do." Chance argued, squinting her eyes at her cousin. "I made friends with a boy named Eddie last week." Crossing her arms over her chest, she proudly said. "He lives in the trailer right next to mine with his Uncle." She walked over to S.J.'s bed, pulling herself up to sit next to me on the navy comforter. "He's comin' real soon."

I became aware of the lack of space between us, not shying from it. Instead, when S.J.'s attention was called away from his baby brother's crying, I scooted closer. Our bare knees bumped together, creating a tingly feeling in my stomach.

"Ugh, stupid Mattie." Scowled S.J., balling his hands into fists. "Hold on. Keep playing without me. I'm gonna go get my mom to shut him up." I watched him carefully as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Chance didn't waste any time, reaching around me to pluck a toy car off of the mattress. It was a red, shiny one with flames painted on the side. She turned it around in her palm, examining the sporty automobile. Her eyes flicked up to lock on mine, another smile curling up her lips.

"We don't have to play cars." I set my electric blue truck down, turning my body to face her. "We could play something else, something that girls like..." Slowly, I placed my hand on top of her free one. "How about house?"

"House?" Her light brows furrowed curiously. A sense of achievement filled me...all because I had interested her. "What's that?"

"Well...you play the mommy and I'll play the daddy. It's easy." Laughter came from my mouth quietly, so as to not disturb anyone else that could be listening outside. "Either that or we could play doctor."

My fingers curled underneath her palm and all of a sudden we were holding hands. Just like all of the soaps my mother would play on the television. I could feel the beat of my heart picking up. Boom. Boom. Boom. The rhythm was similar to a basketball bouncing hard on a court.

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