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Background Music
-Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell-
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"How many of the blue ones did you get?" Chance asked, looking down into her pillowcase full of candy. "I got five."

"Hmmm, looks like I got about four." Sifting through my own tattered Halloween bag, I pulled out the ring pops that she favored.

"Well, I got too many Butter Fingers. Wanna trade when we get home?" Her gold sequined blazer brushed against me as we walked side by side. Chance had decided to dress up as Columbia from Rocky Horror. She even had the cute little blue socks to go along with her costume.

"Sure." Agreeing to the deal, we shook on it as seriously as we would about a business proposal.

I had dressed up as Eddie. I had to, considering that we both shared the same exact name. After scrounging around town, I had managed to find a black denim vest that was far too big for me, a band t-shirt, and a pair of ripped jeans with a chain dangling from one of its belt loops.

It was a shit homemade costume but with Chance's help, it wasn't as bad once she had painted some fake blood on my forehead. She was so patient when she did it, carefully applying the gory makeup in just the right places while we listened to Rocky Horror show tunes in the background.

The moon was full. It's ripe form, glowing down on us omnisciently. We had decided on taking a shortcut down an alley instead of walking amongst crying babies and other rowdy children. That was the mistake we made that ruined the night.

Her small heels clacking against the rough pavement, the chain on my pants rustling against itself to create an eerie clinking. The night started with funny noises and ended with people.

"Eddie." Chance said in a hushed tone, slowing her pace. She clung fast to my arm. "Who are they?"

They were three shadows in the distance. Fog illuminated their figures from the end of the alley, just like in a scary movie. Three of them stalked toward us with masks covering their little prick faces. The Big Bad's henchmen. His foot soldiers.

"Oh no." Dread filled my lungs, sinking down to my stomach. "Come on, Chance, let's go." I turned us around, trying to leave the alley the way we came.

"You think you can hide from us?" One of the boys sneered from behind. A rain of footsteps followed as we sped up, running to escape. Too late.

A hand caught the back of my denim vest, yanking me toward him. I fell back onto the boy dressed as Batman. He quickly shoved me to the pavement.

"Owww." I groaned, my head had met the concrete. A pounding headache ensued, beating against my forehead. "What the heck!"

"Give us your candy, Freak." Batman snarled, crouching down beside me. "Give it or else." His eyes blazed like fire through the small holes of his rubber mask.

"Or else what?" Chance piped up, kneeling to help me up. "What are you gonna do? Piss yourself?" Her makeup shined in the moon's glow, blue eyeshadow sparkling at our bullies.

"No, but you will." Batman went after her next, slamming her against the brick wall. His friends each stole one of my limbs to keep me restrained while evil Batman pinned Chance down, her wriggling body struggling to break free. "What kind of stupid costumes are you two wearing anyway? Freak one and freak two?"

𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐒𝐇// 𝐄𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐗𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now