Ch. 24: A Secret Mission about A Horn Girl

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Izuku's Pov.

I was chilling with my girlfriend, Bree and we were watching a movie with her head on my shoulder.

Izuku: Y'know your brothers are down stairs, Leo and Mom are out getting ice cream. Mr. Davenport is busy with work and...

Bree: We have the place

Her eyes widened and realized it while blushing.

Bree: to ourselves.

I smirked and we started to make out but it didn't last because a phone started ringing.

Izuku: Who's phone is that?

I heard it coming from my pocket and it was mine. I looked at the contact and it was my sister.

Izuku: Izumi?

Bree: What's your sister calling for?

Izuku: Only one way to find out..

I answered the phone to figure out what she wanted.

Izuku: Sis, what is it? I'm busy.

Izumi: That's gonna have to wait.

Izuku: Why?

Izumi: Look, I'm doing an internship with Uncle Nighteye.

Izuku: What about him?

Izumi: You see he was tracking down a Yakuza leader, Overhaul. He's a dangerous criminal!

Izuku: Yeah, I know him. He's the leader of Shie Hassaikai, Kai Chisaki AKA Overhaul. What about him?

Izumi: Do you think he has a daughter?

Izuku: Are you sure you are recovered from that Muscular attack?

Izumi: I knew it! He is doing something to that little girl.

Izuku: What? What are you talking about?

Izumi: You see I was doing my patrol with Mirio Senpai and we came across a little girl with a horn on her forehead and covered with bandages.

Izumi: We also met Overhaul who claimed to be his daughter and he said she got those cuts because she fell. Suddenly he pulls out a glove and she goes back to him.

Izuku: I know you had no choice risking the rest of civilization but at the same time it still hurts to see that happen to a little girl.

Izumi: I know, so you're probably wondering why I called you.

Izuku: 'sighs' You know I can't reveal my bionics..

Izumi: But people will believe you have a quirk and you could join U.A. Academy.

Izuku: I have my family to think about, you know that..

Izumi: Yes, I know. But will you save the girl?

Izuku: I'll see what I can do. Tell me everything.

Like that, Izumi told me everything about the girl and I couldn't even believe it.

The Lab

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