Chapter 12- Saving Life

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Sai's doctor gave her permission to continue her duties till her 7-8 months as there were no complications .

It's been 8 years since Virat and Sai left Chavan House and never looked back staying in the same city also. In these 8 years, nothing much changed. Still, Bhabani is the mukhiya of the house and people need to obey her. Still, the orthodox mentality and rules are the driving force of this house.

Only 2 new members were added to the Chavan House. Son and daughter of Mohit and Karishma. Patralekha is not anymore Bhabani's favorite as she disobeyed Bhabani's word of going to Samrat's workplace. In fact once she openly said that she didn't want to stay with Sameat.

Samrat after getting Virat's marriage enquired about Virat and Patralekha's past and from Sunny came to know about the truth. After knowing the truth also he couldn't get the courage to meet Virat as he misunderstood his brother. He sent Patralekha divorce papers. Patralekha also after understanding that Virat will never be hers gave him a divorce and went back to her parent's house.

Bhabani was experiencing chest pain. She ignored it for a few days and one day it became seviour and she fell down and became unconscious. The Family rushed towards the nearest hospital.

After the initial check-up doctors transferred her to Cardiology Word. There she was admitted in ICU as her condition was serious. Specialist doctors were called and her treatment started.

After administrating emergency medicine and initial medication she became conscious and relieved from her chest pain. When Bhabani came to her senses she noticed some doctors around her and among all the doctors she recognized one face.

Other junior doctors are addressing her as ma'am clearly conveying that she is their senior and a specialist doctor. Bhabani this time looked more attentive. She was wearing a long dress underneath her doctor's coat and a stethoscope was hanging around her neck. She was wearing a pair of sneakers along with it. Her baby bump is clearly visible through her dress. She has adorned herself with a few minimal but elegant jewelry. She wore minimal makeup and her hair was tied in a high pony. Bhabani noticed that she was looking beautiful in this attire also.

Suddenly the doctor turned towards her and said "Mrs. Chavan you had a massive heart attack. You are a very strong person so we were able to bring you to safety quickly. But for the long term, we need to operate on you. Please don't panic. You will be absolutely all right after the surgery."

Bhabani nodded her head like she understood the doctor's words and agreed with her. She gave Bhabani a smile and said "For now Dr. Misha and Sister Roma will look after you. I will discuss your surgery with your family and schedule soon."

Soon all family members were informed about Bhabani's serious condition and immediate need of surgery. The family agreed and asked for the best Cardio-Thoracic surgeon for their mukhiya. The hospital authority told them "Already our best cardiologist is handling this case. Mrs. Bhabani Chahan neglected her health for long and she was very serious when you brought her. It was only our specialist doctor who did a miracle and saved her life.

The whole family becomes grateful to the doctor who saved Bhabani. They wanted to thank her personally and discuss the upcoming surgery. But a

a big surprise awaited for them when Ninad, Omi, and Mohit went to the Cardio-Thoracic surgeon's cabin to discuss the case with her. 

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