Chapter 3- Starting afresh

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When ViraVirat talked about Sai's admission to the elders it became a world war three condition in the house. Bhabani straight said no as no daughter-in-law of Chavan Nivas studied or worked after marriage.

Patralekha said to Bhabani " Yes Mami you are absolutely right. Every family has some traditions and all family members need to follow those. I am also qualified and used to work before marriage but when you said me to leave it I left without any questions. Virat's wife is not special."

Sai started to cry seeing her and her father's dream shattering. Virat felt bad seeing it and determined that he will not allow anyone to crush Sai's dream of becoming a doctor. Virat talked with Ashwini and she supported him. She told him to fight for Sai's dreams and career. Ashwini actually became happy seeing her son care for his wife's career and dream here nobody ever cared for what she wanted from life. She was a teacher before her marriage and wanted to continue to teach children but she had to leave.

On the day of admission, Virat took Sai to college, fighting everyone. After the admission, he asked her "do you know how to cook and manage a home?" She thought that he would say her to manage the home with her studies. Finish household work before going to college etc. So she nodded her head yes.

He smiled seeing her expression and said "I rented a small apartment near your college as I know it's impossible for you to study staying in Chavan Nivas. There everyone will make your life hard. I will help you to run the house as much as I can but you know my profession that I will not be able to be at home always."

Sai was overwhelmed by Virat's thoughts and care. it was beyond her imagination that he would leave his family for her. He took her to see their new apartment. Sai liked the Three BHK apartment a lot. One is their bedroom, one is a study room and the other is the guest room.

Virat and Sai went to a nearby furniture shop and bought furniture for their new home. After finishing the set up of their home both of them were feeling hungry. Virat took Sai to his favorite restaurant and they had their dinner. After having dinner they went back to Chavan Nivas. Obviously, all were waiting for them in Chavan Nivas.

When they entered Bhabani said "so you two get time to come back home. which college stays open till 10 pm at night??" Ninad also told him "firstly you didn't ask anyone and get married. When you come home with your bride then only we get to know that you got married. Secondly, you disobeyed Bahini and admitted your wife to college. Lastly, you two stayed away from home till this late? Which daughter-in-law of our house says out of the house after 7 pm?? What are you teaching your wife that she can break all the rules of Chavan Nivas? This will not heppen in Chavan Nivas. You have to stay here as per the rules of the family and need to obey Bahini's words. Tomorrow informs that she will drop out of college and concentrate on household work like other daughters-in-law."

Virat responded a bit arrogantly "Baba I think you forget I was never the obedient boy like Mohit. I always broke the rule and will not obey whatever the mukhiya of this house tells. And another thing is Sai will not drop out of college she will complete MBBS, MS whatever specialization she wants and will practice also. She will work in a reputed hospital and save people's life. I will not let anybody waste her talent as you let people do with my mother."

Ninad got angry with Virat's behavior and said "what nonsense are you telling? It's not about your mother it's about this family's traditions and rules. If you have to stay in this house then both of you have to maintain the tradition and discipline of this house and also obey Bahini. She is head of the family, everyone should obey and respect her."

Virat smiled "fine we will leave the house then. Can we leave tomorrow morning or do we need to move out today night only?" None expected that and were shocked. Bhabani asked, "you are leaving your family for this girl?" Virat responded "No for you I am leaving. I don't like people to dictate to me what to do always. I never liked being puppets in others' hands and doing injustice in name of family tradition. That is the reason I always preferred boarding schools, chose a college in another city, and always asked for a posting away from home. So that I can stay away from this jail of Bhabani Nagesh Chavan."

Bhabani was spellbound Virat always stayed away from home but she never imagined that she and this family was the reason for that. She sat there with a thud after listening to those. Virat ignored that and pulled Sai toward their room. Ninad and Omi ran to her after giving an angry glare towards Virat. Bhabani with her hand gesture stopped other family members to say anything to Virat and said "You don't need to go out at this time. I am not a heartless woman who will throw you out of this house at this hour. But remember if you cross the entrance of this house tomorrow then you two will be dead for us. None will keep any relationship with you."

He stopped to listen to her words but after that went out without a single word. That night Sai and Virat packed all their belongings and the next morning left the home. Virat asked his mother to go with them but Ashwini said that she can't leave Ninad at this age but her blessings will be always there with her children.

After that day a new beginning happened in Sai and Virat's life. None of them knew properly how to run a home. So they sometimes bought excessive thighs sometimes less. But with all imperfectness, they started their life together. 

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