Chapter 4- Awkwardness

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They started their new life in the apartment but after the initial works to set up the house it was quite awkward for them to stay there alone. In havan Nivas they were staying with so many people though all are not pleasant but still there was people to talk. But here it was only two of them. 

At the first day they ordered food from outside but at night Sai was confused in what to cook. She realize that she doest know about Virat’s like, dislike, allergies anything. She first look at the vegetables she brought from market then first called Usha mausi to ask what to do. Usha mausi said her to ask Virat only. But she felt a bt uneasy doing that so she called Ashwini. 

Ashwini told her about Virats preferences, dislikes and also that he doesn has any food allergies. She quickly decided what to cook for dinner. During cooking she was in call with Ashwini. They chatted abou Virat, their new home and all. When Virat come to kitchen to enquire about Sa he found her cooking and chatting over phone. They had their dinner with out much words. Virat praised her culinary skills. He never thought that she can cook well in this young age. 

In Chavan house they used to sleep in the same room but made a pillow wall between them. But here when there are no one except them so both fo them were confused to what should they so. Finally Virat decided to sleep in the guest room and Sai would sleep in the bed room. 

Next day was the first of Sai’s college. Virat dropped her in the college after both of them had a quite breakfast. Sai wanted to pack Virat’s lurnch as she saw Ashwini to do that but he said that he will have something form te shops outside police station as he didnt wanted to give pressure to Sai. 

When Virat tried to have food from outside of police station he didnt liked the food and ordered from swigy. Next ay also he had to swigy.  He realize that everyday its not possible for him to swigy so he need to say Sai to pack his lunch. He really felt awkward to ask Sai as he felt that medical study is quite tough and Sai also has to manage the home alog with her studies. He felt uneasy as Sai takes her lunch from canteen only so if he tells he to pack his lunch she has to cook for himself. 

He talked with his aai regarding this matter and Ashwini gave him a easy solution, she said him to hire a  househelp cum cook so that Sai will not have to spend much time in other works and will be able to concentrate in her studies. Virat soon appointed a husehelp Bimla Tai who is also a good cook. She said she will come from monday to saturday. Virat tried to burgain but Sai said its okey she will do it sunday. From the day Bimla Tai joined both Virat and Sai took their lunch box with them. 

After one month oneday Ashwini came to visit them. She was pleased to see that her children are happy and arranged their lives beautifully. That day she cooked in their house and both Sai and Virat enjoyed their dinner made by their Aai. 

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