Chapter 7- Misunderstanding and clearing it

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Virat and Sai both somehow realised that they feel for the other one but they were unsure about feelings of the other person. 

Sai thought that she was a burden for Virat as Virat was forced to marry her. Virat is a smart handsome guy an IPS officer in his mid twenties why would he like a much younger college girl like her when there are a lots of beautiful girls present around him. 

Virat also thought that Sai had to marry him to save his baba so its a compromise for her. She is a young girl who has lots of handsome boys around her why would she like him. So both of them kept their feelings in their minds only. 

Oneday Virat come home with a beautiful young girl at his toe. Both were drenched in rain. When Sai opened the door she was shock to see them standing close t each other and shivering in cold. She offered them dry towels. They get freshed ans Sai offered them hot tea. The beautiful young lady introduced herself as Natasha Kapoor, Virat’s college friend. Natasha is a beautiful girl and Sai felt insecure regarding that. 

That night Sai cooked Khichdi and some pakoras as it was raining heavily. After dinner Natasha said “Virat I want to talk to you privately please.” Virat looked towards Sai apologically and ved with her towards Studyroom. She closed the door behind them making Sai sad. Sai really felt like crying seeing them behind the closed door. 

She sat alone in the bedroom and thought Natasha is his college friend, she is beautiful, a college professor and they look good together. they also have private talks. So private that they need to talk inside a closed door room. Some vivid pictures of intimate Virat and Natasha come to her mind and she felt like loosing Virat.  She started to cry thinking that now Virat will divorce her and marry Natasha. Migt be she came in between them as third wheel. 

Afer talking with Natasha Virat come to search Sai and found her crying i the bedroom. He was feeling bad to exclude Sai from their conversation but he ws obliged to o that as Natasha wanted to discuss something regarding her personal life who was not comfortable tellig those around Sai. 

He thought that she will be upset regarding this mght be angry also but he never expect her to cry uncontrollably. He went near her and pulled her near him. She first get relaxed in his embrace but later get angry. She pushed him and said “go to your Natasha. Leave me alone. I come between you two right? I will leave then you can stay together.” 

Virat was shocked listening Sai’s disoriented taks. He shockingly looked towards Sai and listen her blames then laughed out loud. Now it ws time for Sai to get shocked she shockingly looked towards laughing Virat and said “why are you laughing Virat sir?” Virat controlled his laugh and said “because of your imaginary nonsense.” Sai continued surprisingly “imaginary nonsense” 

Virat said “yes maam your imaginary nonsense. You imagined in your this petty head and blame me of disloaylity what should I do cry out like you?” Sai angrily said “then what is the truth?” he miled and said “she is my college friend and she had an affair with one of our professor. They get married after college and we lost contact as I went for police academy training. I met her yesterday again when she came to complain against her husband for domestic violence. As she lodged a complain so her in-laws through her out and she has nobody to give shelter for one night thats why I brought her here. And inside the rom their was her lawyer also over video call. She bein a self respected woman felt ashamed talking about being abuse by her husband in front of you so we had a closed room discussion.” 

Sai said “Sorr Virat sir wo she is beautiful so I thought ..” he continued “I am betraying you.. You mad woman.” then he pulled her in his embrace and she also tighten her hands around his neck. 

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