8. Night's gonna be long🤫

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It's 8 pm; Taekook are cuddling on bed while having each other in their arms.

It's 8 pm; Taekook are cuddling on bed while having each other in their arms

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Tae- I love you Jungkook.

Jk- I love you too babe.

Tae- You will never leave me right?

Jk- No. But what about you? What if you left me?

Tae- You never know. (said while chuckling)

Jk- Then I will never forgive you.

Tae- Relax. I was just joking. You became too serious.

Jk- Don't make such stupid jokes?

Tae chuckled and looked at Jk.

Tae- Why? Can't you live without me?

Jk caressed Tae's hairs and pecked her lips.

Jk- You are the first one with whom I feel so loved. You make me feel so special. I never felt this happy how much I feel with you. I really want you with me forever.

Tae pecked Jk's cheek and hugged him.

Tae- Don't worry. We will always stay with each other.

Jk hugged Tae tightly and closed his eyes. That's when Tae's phone started ringing diverting their attention.

Tae sat on the bed pulling the bedsheet upto her chest and took her phone.

Tae- It's Dad's call.

Jk too sat beside Tae and asked her to pick the call.

Tae- Hello dad?

Mr Kim- Where are you Tae?

Tae- Umm, I am at Jen's house.

Mr Kim- Come back home. I have arrived at the Mansion.

Tae- Okay.

Tae cut the call and began wearing her clothes. Jk too wore his clothes. He helped Tae in packing her bag.

Jk- Shall I drop you?

Tae- Yaa. I will say you came to pick me from her house.

When Tae was done; she pulled Jk closer and attached her lips on his.

Tae- Will miss you.

Jk- You are saying as if we won't meet again. Don't forget I am your bodyguard. I will always stay by your side.

Tae chuckled and hugged Jk. Both got out of the apartment and drove at the Kim Mansion.

Taekook reached the mansion and walked inside. Mr Kim came forward and hugged Tae.

Mr Kim- I missed you baby.

Tae smiled lightly at Mr Kim and hugged him back.

Mr Kim- I have bought various gifts for you. It's in your room. Go and have a look at them.

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