"I'm really sorry, Tesoro," my older brother, Alessandro, said. "I can't lose you. Losing you once broke me completely, and I can't go through that again."

My breathing slows down, and my chest loosens, but my head is still hurting from whatever happened to me earlier. I hold onto Alessandro, trying to stay calm as he caresses my hair.

Feeling the tenderness in his actions, I slowly relax in Alessandro's arms, and rest my eyes.

As he kisses my head and holds me tightly, I start to feel more and more at ease. While the lingering effects of my headache still present, I try my best to appreciate this moment of comfort and tenderness.

I heard footsteps enter the room, and I knew that it was Luca and Kai. "You're lucky she forgave you," Luca spoke in a dangerous tone.

I turned my head and saw that Kai had crawled into my arms, and I said quietly enough for only him to hear, "Hi, little wolf."

The warmth and weight of his small body helped comfort me as I tried to ignore the pain of the headache.

My face lit up with warmth as Kai placed his small snout in my neck and started giving me kisses. His loving affection and gestures of affection helped to take away some of my lingering stress and anxiety.

It wasn't enough to completely take away the effects of the intense headache I was experiencing, but the loving affection helped to comfort me.

I ran my fingers through the soft and fluffy coat of Kai, while still keeping my head against Alessandro's chest. I felt slightly better, and hoped that this time of comfort and tenderness would last awhile.

It gave me a chance to relax and just breathe, as I tried to ignore the lingering headache I was suffering from.

"We okay, Tesoro?" Alessandro asked making me nod my head against his head.

Luca asked, "Gumdrop, do you want medication for your headache?"

I felt tired and still a bit shaken from the experience, but I still needed to try to help myself feel better. I nodded my head again in response to Luca's question.

I wasn't exactly sure what would be the best way to deal with it at this point, but any kind of help would be appreciated.

Alessandro, too, felt relieved and started to pet Kai's ears. "I think we just found a soft spot."

A few minutes pass in complete silence, as I just rested against the comfort of Alessandro's embrace. As the silence continues, Luca walks back into the room with something in his hands.

"Emiliano gave me medication," he said, and handed them to me. I place them in my mouth and swallow them without anything to drink, and see that Alessandro and Luca are both giving me a look of shock and surprise.

"Did you just take them without something to drink?" Alessandro asks but I just nod my head and chuckle slightly.

"Savage," Luca says with a smirk.

Luca crawled into the bed, and sat against the headboard. He asked me, "Farfalla, do you know why it takes you a little while to snap out of it when you black out?"

I was tired and my mind was beginning to wander off to sleep, but I could still hear Luca's question. I nodded my head, feeling like a robot, but then I thought about the answer to the question. I was just tired, but I still wanted to try to explain. "I think it's because I'm still processing everything that has happened...." I said quietly.

I turned my head slightly and said to Luca, "Jake would always drug me while punishing me, so I guess the trauma from them makes me black out the way I do."

I paused for a moment, still struggling to process my experience of being drugged, but trying to explain the situation was making me feel better.

As I continued talking, Alessandro held me tighter, and kissed my head. I relaxed with each kiss, and was just thankful to be in his warm and comforting presence.

My head was slightly spinning from the effects of the headache.

Even so, I still felt compelled to speak with Alessandro and Luca about the dark and painful part of my history. I knew I could tell them anything and it would remain completely confidential between the three of us.

"I don't know if my brain has fully accepted that they're gone," I said quietly, as if the very idea was almost too painful to utter. "It could be partly because I'm accustomed to being knocked out by the injections."

However, the comfort and tenderness that Alessandro was providing was helping me relax and feel safe enough to speak about it.

"You are safe now, they can't drug you anymore, Roman is gone. The Russians are not after you. You're safe Tesoro, and we're going to keep you safe." Alessandro said making me nod my head against his chest.

My mind started to slowly wake up, as I heard the bell for lunch sound, alerting me that it was time for a break or lunch. I followed Alessandro, Luca, and Kai down the stairs and to the dining area.

We walked through the dining room door, and everyone looked in our direction. I felt a little self-conscious.

I kept my gaze focused on Kai, and tried to avoid hurting him with my movements. As Alessandro pulled me closer to the table, I sat down and took my seat.

Luca sat next to me and caressed Kai's ears in a gentle gesture of affection. "Princess, how are you feeling?" my dad spoke up asking me a question.

I slowly lifted my head and looked at him. "I'm feeling a little bit better," I said and I gave a smile to show that I was starting to feel much better after being in my brother's arms for a while.

"Now that Roman is gone, beginning in two days, princess, me, and Alessandro are going to the firm, while you boys do whatever you want to do," he said.

Hearing Roman's name brought up in the conversation, I immediately looked at Lorenzo to see what his response would be. However, he was already looking at me, and I suddenly felt self-conscious again. My gaze shifted away from him, and Giovanni spoke up.

"Who killed Roman?" Giovanni asked curiously.

"Alessandro, did," Lorenzo confirmed and I looked over at Alessandro to see his face which was stone cold.

Hearing the answer to his question about Roman's death, I looked over at Giovanni and saw that he was nodding his head in agreement.

Once the chefs walked in and set the plates in front of us, I felt my stomach rumble in anticipation of the food. I knew that I hadn't eaten in awhile, and looking at the food made me hungry.

The Missing Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now