13: Trap for Kenobi

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you going to leave the room?" Ranov'la asked as she held the clothes to her chest. "To give me privacy?"

"Why? You've shown me that I can't trust you." Lucian sneered, disgust etched in his features. "I'll turn my back if that makes you feel better."

Ranov'la reluctantly changed as he had his back to her, finishing as fast as she could. When she announced she was finished, he told her to climb into bed.

Ranov'la pulled the blankets up to her chin, and Lucian turned the lights out. He kissed her forehead and left the room, leaving her staring up into the darkness.

Ranov'la twirled around, her skirt fluttering in the wind. She passed by all the huge trees that covered the blue sky from view with their leaves, heading to the clearing in the forest.

She burst through the woods, into the clearing where the tall grass went up to her waist. She turned her gaze to the sky with the fluffy clouds, letting out a happy sigh.

She made her way into the cottage just as the sun was going down. She sat on one of the wooden chairs that were around the table, just sitting there, doing nothing at all.

Just sitting there and relaxing.

Ranov'la's hands began to itch for something to do, so she put them to work braiding her hair.

She heard footsteps behind her and was surprised that there was someone there.

She was usually alone in her dreams.

Ranov'la turned to see who it was, curiosity striking her.

"Wake up, Ranov'la."

Ranov'la peeled her eyes open, staring at Lucian.

"Wake up, Ranov'la," Lucian softly said, nudging her. "Pudico wants to see you."

Ranov'la felt a bolt of fear, but nodded and got changed. Lucian unlocked the door and led her down the grime covered hallways, with Nobodies walking with their Guardians.

"Morning, 981," 476 said, giving a small smile.

Ranov'la returned the greeting, watching the man get scolded by his Guardian and escorted away. 476's Guardian glared at Ranov'la, and she glowered at him.

"Ranov'la, come on," Lucian said in amusement, gently steering her along.

Ranov'la huffed and continued walking, thinking back on years ago when 476 and her had bonded over their hatred for their Gaurdians.

476 was nice and he always made her laugh. He had a crush on Lucian, and Ranov'la secretly hoped they would get together so Lucian would stop bothering her.

"981," Pudico said as Ranov'la and Lucian entered his throne room. "How have you been doing?"

"Very well, Mister Pudico," Ranov'la whispered, bowing her head. Lucian hummed his approval at her response, encouraging her to add, "How about you?"

Pudico laughed, throwing his head back. "You always amused me, 981."

"She can be quite amusing," Lucian agreed. 

Pudico rested his chin on his palm. "981, do you believe yourself fit to return to the field?"

"Yes," Ranov'la immediately said.

Lucian frowned.

"Lucian? Do you disagree?" Pudico raised a brow at him questioningly. 

"I'm afraid so," Lucian regretfully said. "She's still been acting out. She's refusing to eat and won't listen to my direct orders."

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