8: The gala

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Tw: Sexual content.

"We got Senator Lepon arrested!" Bail proudly told Ranov'la. "The holodisk you got was remarkably helpful."

"Excellent," Ranov'la smiled. "Please, have a seat."

Bail sat across from her. "I see your bodyguard isn't here. Did he finally leave your side?"

Ranov'la let out a short laugh. "You know how it is, they're so loyal to their job they don't want to risk anything."

Bail chuckled. "Indeed I do."

"Surely you didn't come here just to tell me about Senator Lepon," Ranov'la inclined a brow. "What other news do you bring me?"

Bail sighed. "You know me so well Padmé."

"So?" Ranov'la prompted. "What is it?"

"There's a fundraising gala coming up," Bail began, "and I would go, except my wife and I have a date night. I can't cancel without upsetting her, and I'd hate to do that."

"And you want me to go?" Ranov'la guessed.

"Afraid so," Bail confirmed. "Will you? I promised I'd find someone to take my place."

Ranov'la considered it for a moment. "Very well."

"Padmé, you're a lifesaver!" Bail beamed. "I just knew you'd do it, you're always helping others!"

Ranov'la sighed in relief that she had done what Padmé would have. "Of course."

"Oh, and you need a date," Bail said before slipping from the room.

"Rex, you know how you said you'd help me in any way so I didn't blow my cover?" Ranov'la said as she put her hair up.

"I don't remember phrasing it like that, but yes," Rex responded. "Why?"

"Well, Bail asked me for a favour. He needs me to fill in for him at a gala," Ranov'la said, putting pins into her hair.

"Where do I come into this?" Rex suspiciously asked.

"I need a date," Ranov'la bluntly said. 

"Absolutely not," Rex immediately said. "I don't do stuff like that."

"But who am I supposed to ask?" Ranov'la turned to him. "One of my guards?"

Rex sighed and looked to the door, where on the other side they were no doubt trying to listen in. "Fine."

"Oh, thank you!" Ranov'la gushed.

Rex grumbled something, but inwardly grinned at how happy he'd made her.

Ranov'la glanced at him. "Are you really wearing that to the event?"

"Seeing as I was just informed that I was going, yes," Rex dryly said.

"I remember seeing a something that might fit you in the closet," Ranov'la told him. "Thinking back on it, it must've been for Anakin."

Rex shuffled off to find it, while she went off into the refresher to change.

Rex put the suit on, while Ranov'la struggled with the dress before giving up.

"Rex?" Ranov'la called.

"What?" Rex asked. 

"I need help!" She yelled.

"Again?" Rex sighed. "How hard is it to get dressed?"

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