5: The conference room

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"How'd it go?" Rex asked, watching her put her makeup on, slowly making her face turn into Padmé's.

"I got the holodisk," Ranov'la answered, wincing at the reminder of what had happened at the club.

"Why'd you wince?" Rex asked, pushing himself off the wall he was leaning on. "Did something happen?"

"Everything's fine," Ranov'la shook her head. 

"Did something happen?" Rex repeated himself.

Ranov'la shuffled around him, slipping her heels on. He sighed, but didn't press further.

"What have you told everyone? You keep disappearing to come help me. Do they think you're dealing spice or something?" Ranov'la asked, changing the subject.

"I don't think they even notice I'm gone," Rex shrugged. "They're pretty busy, making the best out of one the rare breaks we get."

"I don't need you here today, I'm just giving them the holodisk. You can go hang out with them," Ranov'la said, feeling guilty for taking up so much of his schedule.

"It's fine. This isn't going to take a while, and Echo can handle the boys for a while," Rex shook his head, not telling her that he enjoyed spending time with her.

Ranov'la settled on the couch, arranging her skirts dramatically. Rex took his place in the corner, posing as her bodyguard.

"Padmé!" Mon smiled as she and Bail entered the room. "It's so good to see you again!"

The doors slid shut and a serious look came to her face. Ranov'la nodded and handed the holodisk over, while Bail studied her intently.

"Here it is," Ranov'la said, using the flat tone Padmé often used. "This will have the link between the deathsticks and Senator Lepon on it."

"Thank you, Padmé," Bail warmly said. "And if I might ask... as it seems you look normal, I assume you didn't keep it?"

"Sorry?" Ranov'la frowned slightly.

"The thing you told us in private?" Bail explained, eyes flicking to Rex.

"Oh, of course," Ranov'la said, nodding even though she had no clue what he was referring to. "And yes, I got rid of it."

"I'm glad you managed to decide," Mon told her. "It's a big choice."

"Indeed," Ranov'la agreed, though she had no idea as to what she was agreeing with.

"We'll be on our way now," Bail told her. "And if you ever need something, you know I'll always be here for you."

"As am I," Mon added.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," Ranov'la said as they took their leave.

"What was that about?" Rex asked once the doors had shut.

Ranov'la shrugged. "I don't have any idea."

"So we know that Senator Amidala had a choice to make," Rex said, thinking out loud. "We have one clue to where she might've gone off to."

"Senator Amidala!" A man shouted as he burst through the doors. "Senator Amidala!"

"Yes?" Ranov'la asked in surprise. "What is it?"

"There's a meeting to discuss the bill to ban deathsticks! You have been urgently summoned!" The man informed her, bent over panting. "In the second floor conference room."

"Oh, you have my thanks," Ranov'la graciously said. "If I may ask, who sent you?"

The man must have not heard her, as he ran from her quarters.

Decoy (Rex)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon