"Coming down to breakfast?"
Ron asked. Hermione nodded and closed the door without another word. She sighed and changed into some jeans and as much as she hated taking off her shirt, she put on a white blouse and headed out the door, grabbing her bag on the way. She opened to door to find Ron still there, leaning against the wall between her and Draco's door. She put her bag on her shoulder and walked silently with Ron to the Great Hall. They both sat down with Harry and Ginny. The couple quickly sensed the tense mood and tried to change the subject.

Ginny cleared her throat.
"How about we go to Hogsmeade today?"

"That sounds good."
Harry said looking at Ron and Hermione, wondering what was wrong.
"What about you Ron? Do you two want to come with us?"

Ron answered with a mouthful of food. Hermione grimaced at him and looked over to the Slytherin table. Draco was silently eating while everyone else around him was happily chatting away with their friends.

"I've got studying to do."
Hermione answered as she looked away from Draco and down at the untouched food on her plate.

"Oh come on Hermione, studying can wait."
Ginny said taking a sip from her goblet.
"Besides, it's the weekend."

"We can go to Hogsmeade any weekend. I'm just going to stay here and go to the library."
She said looking at her friend. Ginny nodded with sad eyes and continued eating. Harry pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"We're leaving after breakfast in a few hours if you change your mind."
He says.

"Thanks Harry, but I'm going to stay."
Hermione said to him in an apologetic voice. She was surprised Ron hadn't said anything to make her change her mind or even demand that she was to go with them. He simply stayed silent and kept eating. But isn't this what she wanted? To finally have a say in her own life and be able to go where she pleases without Ron worrying about her and trying to constantly protect her? Hermione finished eating and quickly left the awkward scene. She decided to go to the library and try to get her mind off of things. She entered and sat down at a table in the back. Emptying her bag of quills and parchment and books on the table, Hermione sank into the chair and opened her book to take notes. She had barely even read one sentence when she felt someone pull the chair out opposite of her and sit down. Without moving her head, she looked up to see Draco Malfoy getting out his books and setting them down on the table.

"What are you doing here?"
She asked tearing her eyes from her book.

He answered knowing that's not what she meant.

Hermione rolled her eyes and couldn't help but feel more comfortable than before at breakfast.
"I mean why are you sitting at this table?"

"All the other ones were filled up. Is there a problem?"
He asked opening his book.

"There's no problem."
Hermione looked around and indeed all the other tables in the library has at least two or more people at them. She turned back to her book and continued to read. Three seconds later Draco pulled her from the book again.

"Granger how do you do this?"
He asked handing her his divination homework.
She took it from him and read the paper.

"Malfoy we have notes on this from Wednesday. They should be on pages 456 and 457."
She stated obviously, as if she and everyone else in the whole school knew the answer to that. She handed the paper back to him and continued reading her book.

"Granger what book are the notes in?"
He asked again, looking through his books on the table. Hermione sighed and looked up again from her notes. She just came here to have some peace and quite and to catch up on her notes, not spend her time helping Draco, though she didn't mind his presence.

Green is the opposite of Red. (A Dramonie fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now