he wants you to teach him to dance (requested)

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"Hello?" You said as you opened the door to the boys' practice room.

"Y/N!" Jimin excitedly spoke as you stepped inside.

"Hi, guys!" You grinned as Yoongi walked to you, wrapping you in his warm arms. "Hi, baby."

"Hi." He spoke back to you as he squeezed you tight.

He seemed to be a little down and as his girlfriend, that worried you.

"Are you okay?" You asked as you pulled away from the hug.

He wordlessly shrugged his shoulders and then brushed his fingers across your back.

Sensing that something was weighing heavily on his mind, the boys cleared their throats to catch your' and his attention.

"Anyone want some lunch?" Namjoon spoke, to which the boys agreed.

"We'll bring something back for you two," Taehyung promised before they walked out.

Yoongi sighed as he took a seat on the floor.

You sat down beside him and put your head on his shoulder.

"What's going on? What's on your mind, baby?"

"We're practicing hard lately and in our free time, the boys are all up to different things. Working on mixtapes, doing challenges with other groups, finding new hobbies."


"I want to work on something too."

"Okay. Well, whatever it is, you know I support you wholeheartedly."

He smiled before kissing your head, which still rested on his shoulder.

"I know. I was kinda hoping you'd help me." He spoke, making you furrow your brows.

"I don't know much about music but I can help you the best I can." You replied as you kissed his cheek, making a gummy smile pull at his lips.

"Well, you dance hip-hop, don't you?"

"Yep! Have been for twenty-two years." You proudly answered. "I love it!"

Seeing the smile that appeared on your face when you spoke about hip-hop made his heart skip a beat.

You're very talented at dancing hip hop and he knows how passionate you are about it as well.

"I was hoping you'd... teach me." He said as he took your hand into his, intertwining your fingers together. "You're insanely talented at it."

"Well, you're one to talk about talent, Yoongi." You said, making him chuckle. "Thank you."

"I've been watching videos and it looks so fun and I want to learn it. But I only want to learn from you. No one else."

You gave him a loving kiss on his lips.

"I would love to teach you, baby. It means a lot that you want to learn from me."

He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and then kissed your forehead.

"When do you want to start?"

"Right now." He smiled.

You stood up and pulled your phone out of your pocket before connecting it to the speakers in the room.

A song by Drake started to play and just as you prepared to show him a few steps, you felt him hug you from behind.

"Yoongi, this is a little too intimate for hip-hop." You teased as he kissed your neck softly.

"I know. We'll start in a second but before we do, I need you to know how much I appreciate you and this. I'm so excited to learn from my sweet girl."

You giggled as his fingers brushed across your sides.

"And I love you. Very much." He whispered as he continued to hold you tight.

"I love you too." You said as you turned your head, kissing him sweetly. "And as much as I'd love to stay like this forever, we should get started."

He nodded and kissed you once more before pulling away and standing beside you.

"Get ready to learn, baby."

"I'm ready." He smiled. "So ready."

Yoongi ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang