telling him that you're pregnant (requested)

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You jumped upon hearing Yoongi closing the door of his car as he finally arrived home.

It's almost midnight and he's been gone since early this morning.

With a comeback approaching, he spends a lot of time in practice, as well as staying busy doing other things in preparation for it.

You wanted to call him and tell him to come home sooner because you got some huge news a couple of hours ago.

But you decided not to and chose to surprise him with the news that was just as shocking to you, hoping that it would bring him some happiness and take away his stress a little.

You heard the front door open and in walked your sweet boyfriend, looking completely exhausted after a long and busy day.

"Hey, Yoongi,"

He looked over at you and upon seeing you sitting on the sofa, his lips tugged into a big gummy smile.

"Hey. Why are you still up? You've been asleep at this hour the last few nights." He said as he walked to you. "Are you feeling okay?"

For the last few days, you've been feeling sorta off.

You've gotten sick a few times and you feel exhausted almost all the time but, until today, you didn't know the reason as to why.

You know Yoongi has been concerned, even more than he usually would be, due to the fact that with everything going on he can't be by your side to take care of you as much as he wishes that he could.

As soon as he was sitting down beside you, you threw your arms around his neck and gave him the biggest hug that you possibly could.

He was taken aback a little because he hadn't been expecting it. But he happily held you close for a moment and kissed the crown of your head a few times as he rubbed your back.

"Come on, baby. Let's go to bed and get some sleep." He said and let you go before standing up.

Holding his hand out for you to take, he waited a moment before he frowned as he realized you weren't wrapping your fingers around yours.

"Before we go up to bed, I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "What is it?"

"Sit down again." You said as you patted the spot he was sitting in a moment ago.

He did as you asked and watched you move the pillow you'd been leaning against and nervously pulled something out from under it before hiding it behind your back.

"What is it? Let me see," He chuckled as he waited to see what it was.

"Okay." You said before nervously putting the two positive tests on the sofa between you.

You watched him look away from your eyes and down to the tests, where he saw that one word that took his breath away.


Both of them.

"Yoongi?" You spoke a moment later, anxiously awaiting to hear him say something.

He's been silent since he saw them, just letting it all sink in.

His heart was hammering against his chest at first, his mind racing with a bunch of different thoughts about how he was going to be a dad and he'd have to somehow manage this comeback, and all of the other comebacks ahead in BTS' future, while also being by your side throughout all of this.

But eventually, his heart just swelled in his chest and there was only one thought in his mind - that you were going to be parents.

"I can't believe it." He whispered before he looked up at you, his brown eyes locking with yours instantly. "You're pregnant. We're going to be parents!"

He looked so happy, happier than you've seen him in so long.

It warmed your heart while also allowing you to breathe out a sigh of relief because you didn't know how he'd react since this wasn't exactly planned and probably not the best time for it all to happen.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "You're quiet. I thought you'd be throwing your arms around me by now." He chuckled as he placed his hand on your thigh.

"I'm happy, Yoongi. So happy. But I was just nervous, that's all. I know that you have a lot to do and I don't know how everyone will react-"

"Hey, whatever happens, happens. We will work through that together. But this is going to be an amazing experience and I'm not leaving your side. I will be here for you every step of the way. No matter what, I'm staying right here with you."

"We're going to be parents." You chuckled through your tears as it all started to sink in for you as well.

"We are." He grinned as he pecked your lips. "You're going to be an amazing mom."

"And you're going to be an incredible dad." You said as he pulled you into his arms, his gaze shifting from your eyes and to your stomach.

He placed his hand over it, his other one falling to your hip as he thought about the little human that you created together, growing beautifully inside you.

It made him fall even more in love with you and look forward to the future in a way that he never has before.

He felt like he had even more of a purpose now.

Not to just be someone who creates amazing content and lives out his dreams with his six best friends, but also to love and care for the little human that his heart is already so full of love for.

He was going to be a dad soon and nothing and no one would ever change how much that meant to him.

"I love you so much already." He whispered as he brushed his fingers in circles across your skin.

They were still so small. You weren't even close to starting to show yet.

But he had to say those words. They were just falling from his lips naturally. He just couldn't hold them back.

"And I love you." He said as he looked up at you.

You kissed him again and h couldn't help but smile against your lips, swearing that he's never felt as happy as he does now.

"I love you too." You said before laying your head on his shoulder while he brushed his hand across your back, both of you feeling so excited for this new journey you were about to embark on together.

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