he finds your song lyrics (requested)

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"I'll be right back. I'm going to check on the food. Do you need anything while I'm down there?" You asked Yoongi as you lifted your head from his chest.

Your boyfriend stared into your eyes lovingly before shaking his head at you.

Giving him a soft peck on his lips, you got out of your bed and made your way out of the room and downstairs to your kitchen.

Yoongi's phone chimed in his pocket and he reached for it to find a text from Jimin on the screen.

But he couldn't see what the text said because his phone suddenly shut off, going black as it died.

He cursed quietly before scooting across the bed, searching around for the end of your phone charger that was plugged into the wall.

As he searched around for it, he accidentally knocked a notebook off of the table and he watched it hit the floor with a soft thud.

He got up and found the end of the charger before plugging it into his phone.

He set his phone on the table and then grabbed your notebook off of the floor, only for a bunch of papers to fall out of it.

"Ugh," He groaned as he gathered them all up off the floor.

Now, your boyfriend isn't a nosy or invasive person.

You're both idols and he respects every aspect of your work as you do his.

He knew the pages were most likely full of lyrics for songs that you've been writing and he'd usually just put them back on the table and put it out of sight and out of mind.

But he can't help but wonder if any of the songs you've been writing are about him.

You've been dating for the last few months now but you haven't released any new songs since a couple of weeks before you met.

So he wondered if any of the songs you're writing for your upcoming album are about him.

He contemplated it for a moment.

He sat on the floor with his teethsinking into his lip, thinking hard about whether or not to take a glance at what you're working on or if he should just wait for you to explain it himself.

But he was curious and he wanted to know.

So he grabbed a few pages and looked them over and the lyrics written on the papers made him swoon.

A smile tugged at his lips as he read what you'd written about falling in love and finding happiness, maybe even having the one.

It made his heart swell and every sweet, loving lyric made him fall harder for you.

"What are you doing?"

He jumped at the sound of your voice as he turned his head to look at you.

"Are those my lyrics?"

"Yeah." He smiled a little. "I accidentally knocked the notebook off of your table. I wasn't going to read anything but I got curious."

"Well, now you owe me a look at your lyrics, Yoongi," You said as you snatched the papers out of your boyfriend's grip.

"Fair." He said as he stood up and put his hands on your hips, holding onto you. "I like them."

"You do?"

"Of course I do." He said as he kissed your shoulder. "I've always admired how wonderfully you write your songs and put your emotions into words. But it's different knowing they're about me now."

You turned around to face him and sent him a big, bright smile.

"You're really crazy about me, huh? You're falling in love and finding more happiness than you ever thought you'd feel and you, maybe, found the one. Is that right?"

He was teasing you, playfully poking your sides with that gummy grin on his face.

But he was serious, too.

He wanted to know if that was all true.

"Yeah." You answered as you put your hands on his shoulders. "Do you feel the same about me?"

"You know I do, baby." He softly said as he reached up and started to caress your cheek. "You're my everything."

You couldn't help but smile from ear to ear before you leaned in and kissed his lips.

"I wish I could tell the world, though. I know I get to sing about you but people don't know it's you that I feel this way about. I'm so lucky. I wish I could tell the world."

"Me too. Someday we will, baby. I promise." He said as he kissed your head lovingly.

You just closed your eyes and held onto him as tight as he was holding you because you knew in your heart that someday, you would tell the world.

Because you're the one for him and he's the one for you and that's something you won't be able to hide forever.

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