Everett- 9

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[ Can we please leave. ]

We have to figure out what to do with this guy first.

[ Just leave him. ]

What if this gets traced back to us?

[ He's not dead. ]

That's true. He won't remember my face. I hear someone walking.

[ Hurry up ]

I put my cigarette in my mouth and reach down to grab the man's arm and lean down picking him up over my shoulder. I look around and see a trash bin. That'll have to do. I go to the bin and look inside to see it was empty. That fall might hurt him more.

[ He's already knocked out. Who cares? ]

I look around again and see a pile of trash including some mattresses that are dirtied with unknown substances. That's better.

I drop him on the trash and put some of the black bags on top of him to hide him a bit.

We have to bring it home right?

[ No. no animals.]

Why not? It's cute.

I go to where we were standing before and bend down to pick up a small kitten that was too close to meeting his end because of that douche bag.

Walking back home from Ciara's store, I didn't expect to see a guy holding a lot lighter to a kittens belly. He was experimenting and it was disgusting.

[ It's not cute. It's dirty and kind of ugly. ]


My head whips towards the opening of the alley and I stand up quickly hiding the kitten behind my back.

"Oh hey. Where's Kal?" I speak but realize I have the cigarette in my mouth. I quickly take it out hurriedly puffing the smoke out.

[ chicks dig it ]

Yeah if this was a fanfiction sure.

[ How do you know about that? ]

Don't worry about it.

"Why are you in a dark alley alone?" She ask staying in the light.

"Just...killing some time." I let out a stupid awkward laugh.

[ She didn't answer our questions.]

"Where's Kal?" I ask again.

She looks taken aback for a second. My tone must've been more demanding and dark than intended.

"He's on a date right now at the cafe." She looks down almost flustered.

"So youre walking home by yourself. It's getting dark that's not safe, Ciara." I scold her without realizing I'm even doing it.

"Well it's not like I have a big strong boyfriend to walk me home." She laughs as she says it but I see she's watching my reaction to her words.

[ No boyfriend? ]

"No?" I feel my arms relax causing the kitten to show and my cigarette.

"Is that a kitten?" She asks excitedly walking closer to me. 

She grabs my arm lifting it up to see the small kitten even closer. The kitten wasn't too small but in her hands he looked bigger.

"I found him eating trash." I lied.

"Aw. We should bring him home and give him something to eat." She cuddles him close causing him to purr in her arms.

[ Why does everyone want to bring that diseased thing home? Leave it to die. ]

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