Why Is It Always You? - RIVALZ PT 3

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"Well, it seems fun, but... I'm not good at dancing. In fact, I don't even... Uhm, know how to dance.." she looks down embarrassed.

After some silence, Yunah finally speaks.

"Well! That's ok! There's a first time for everything, and I, Noh Yunah,"

She pointed to Jeemin and smiled.

"Will be your dance instructor. Well?"


So, gradually over time, Jeemin would stop by and learn dancing with Yunah. Joining the club? She still had to join the track club.

After school ended, Jeemin had joined the track club thru auditions. Everything was going well for a while, but with Track competitions coming close, Jeemin didn't know how to manage both track and dance, as she on several occasions would go and practice dancing with Yunah instead of go to the track meetings.

Then, one day, her parents found out about her secret hobby. She had to ghost Yunah for a bit, but one day, Yunah caught Jeemin in the hallways.

"What are you-"

Yunah grabbed Jeemin by the hand and dragged her to a corner where nobody was visible.

"Can we talk? Please?"


After some awkwardness and silence, Yunah finally decided to speak up.

"I'm not sure if this is ok with you- talking during your last period of the day I mean. Won't your teacher mark you absent?"

"It's ok. You caught me on a good day. My teacher's out and we don't have a sub today because of the sub shortage, so we were gonna watch a boring lesson video."

"Ah. Ok. .... Well, can you please tell me what's wrong? Jeemin, why aren't you showing up? Is something bothering you?"

"Am... I bothering you?" Yunah asked looking nervous.

Jeemin quickly responded, "What! No! I- I'm just very caught up with track. I'm sorry, I should have told you, but I couldn't because I was too scared."

After some time, Yunah responded.

"Does this mean... You won't be coming again?"

"I'm not sure, I really like dancing. Yunah-yah." Jeemin looked at Yunah seriously.

"I love dancing. I wish I could dance forever. But ... I can't just abandon my family like that. However..."


"My parents usually go out to business trips occasionally. They're going to one starting two days from now. I think that... I can make time for it then. Please wait for me?" Jeemin asked.

"Of course! But there's another thing I wanted to tell you!! Hybe is hosting auditions near our area in a week! At our rival school, but it's close by! Jeemin, if we try hard, like- REALLY hard and practice everyday, we can become..." Yunah gulped.


Jeemin was amazed and excited at the same time.

"That's perfect! Track meetings pause for like 2 months since we don't have any competitions. I could try my best with you!" Jeemin eagerly looked at Yunah.

"Jeemin-ah. Please, next time... Just let me know if anything is wrong, ok? I don't want to be ghosted."

"Of course, I'm sorry."

And just like that, they trained hard and got in. And boy, when Jeemin's parents found out what Jeemin wanted to be for her career, they flipped hard.

Thankfully, with a LOT of convincing, Jeemin could finally become an idol. She had everything it took... And after her and Yunah's hard work and deification, they were introduced to Hybe's survival show.

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