Why is It Always You? - RIVALZ PT 2

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Jeemin was too lost in thought.

Yunah understood it.

They knew immediately what the other felt, they always had, but this time Jeemin was experiencing something different.

She had no idea why Yunah was acting this way, and why the strange feelings she had were hurting her even more this time around.

You see, this same feeling stuck with her ever since randomly being around Yunah since freshman year.

3 years ago

Jeemin was a lonely kid. She usually ate lunch alone, and being the new kid at school definitely didn't change anything.

She was known about, but never had any friends or anyone who hung out with her.

Her passion, she had no idea. After all, her family had a legacy for her to carry. She was destined to be a track star, to fulfill her family's legacy. 

One day, after taking a test, Jeemin went to use the restroom. Since her class was on the bottom floor of the building, she had to go to the top floor to use it. 

As she passed by the quiet hallway, a sudden THUD came from one of the rooms. Worried someone might have gotten hurt, she decided to run to the direction of the noise, and opened the door to make sure nothing bad had happened.

"Ow... Ow...." A girl held onto her leg.

"Um.. are you okay? Do you need any help?" Jeemin asked, worried.

"No, theres no need, HUP " She quickly got up.

"See, I'm all good, but you, are you new here?"

"Yeah, I moved here some time ago."

"Cool. You in any clubs?" The girl peered.

"...no, not yet. I know I need to join one for this school and I already know which one I'm joining."

"Ah... Ok"

"Well, I'll be on my way now." Jeemin quickly left the room just as fast as she entered it.

"Ah! Wait! Wait for a sec!" The mysterious girl followed behind Jeemin.

"What is it?"

"I didn't.... I didn't get your name.."

"It's Jeemin."

"Nice, I'm Yunah." Yunah smiled, showing her teeth, excited and eager.

"Let's be friends?" She slowly extended her arm.

Unsure of what to say, Jeemin just shook her arm. And that was how they became friends.


Every so often, Jeemin would go "use the restroom" and spy on Yunah. She didn't have any classes with her, but seeing Yunah dance make Jeemin feel some sort of way.

The way she would flow in the air while jumping, put on her smile, her beautiful smile... And make turns, or pull out some crazy moves made Jeemin shocked.

After all, it was something new to her, and she always felt like she was watching a show, and she wanted to try it.

One day, Yunah wasn't in the room. Jeemin had wondered where she had gone.


Jeemin leapt back in surprise so hard that she was about to fall on the ground, luckily, Yunah caught her back just in time, and pulled her body close to her.

"Uh uhm uh I- uh-" Jeemin couldn't get any of her words or feelings out, she was too flustered to say anything.

On the other hand, Yunah seemed to be staring at Jeemin and admiring her.

Neither of them broke eye contact until Jeemin had come to her senses and finally stood back up, distancing herself from Yunah for a bit.

"I- I can explain, ok?"

Yunah took this as the perfect opportunity to tease the very red and flustered Jeemin.

"Oh? Oh yeah? What were you doing.... Looking at me? Hm?" Yunah moved closer and closer to Jeemin, and Jeemin kept moving back.

"What was it? Were you... Perhaps... Watching me? Dance? Did you.... Perhaps .. " Yunah trailed off, and Jeemin was cornered to the wall behind her.

"Like it?" They only had a few inches distancing them, and they could each feel their breaths.

"I WAS UH I YEAH I LIKED UH SEEING YOU DANCE..." Jeemin said, walking away once again.

Yunah was overjoyed.

"WAIT. You like dancing? Why didn't you tell me so?? That's great, ohhhh so that's why you were staring all those days, I get it, I get it...this is great!" Yunah said, having a conversation with herself.
"Well! You see Jeemin, the thing is, the reason I'm always here during school without anyone else, is because I'm supposed to be leading the dance class on the campus! But nobody wanted to join, unfortunately... So the teacher usually lets me have the room to myself and leaves to a coffee shop or something during this period." Yunah explains.

"But now! Since you like dance! You should join dance club!! C'mon, you think I don't notice how often you come by to this room and watch me dance?" Yunah offers.

"Well, it seems fun, but... I'm not good at dancing. In fact, I don't even... Uhm, know how to dance.." she looks down embarrassed.

After some silence, Yunah finally speaks.

"Well! That's ok! There's a first time for everything, and I, Noh Yunah,"

She pointed to Jeemin and smiled.

"Will be your dance instructor. Well?"


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