Lemuria, an underwater kingdom

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An underwater Kingdom Lemuria lies in the heart of the ocean, nestled between the swirling currents and majestic marine life, lies a hidden marvel - a palace of unparalleled beauty. This is no ordinary dwelling, but an underwater sanctuary, a testament to a world untouched by the scorching sun or the howling wind.

The palace is a complex network of grand halls, spacious chambers, and intricate corridors, all crafted from a radiant material akin to a mother of pearl. Its walls shimmer with an iridescent glow that dances in the soft light filtering down from the surface, making the entire structure seem as if it's alive, breathing along with the rhythm of the sea.

Upon entering the main hall, one is greeted by towering columns that spiral upwards to a high domed ceiling, decorated with intricate carvings of mythical sea creatures and tales of old. The floor, a mosaic of polished seashells and precious stones, mirrors the ever-changing hues of the ocean, reflecting a mesmerizing ballet of blues, greens, and violets.

Fine furnishings, carved from the heartwood of sunken ships and ornate coral structures, are scattered throughout the palace. They are adorned with plush cushions made from the softest underwater plants, dyed in the vibrant colors of the coral reef.

The grand dining room, the palace's pièce de résistance, sits adjacent to a large serpentine window, offering a panoramic view of the thriving aquatic life outside. A long, ornate table, made from the smoothed, varnished shell of a giant clam, dominates the room. The chairs, crafted from the iridescent inside of oyster shells, gleam with a soft light, complementing the table's natural grandeur.

Chandeliers, formed from clusters of bioluminescent creatures, illuminate the palace with a gentle, ethereal light. At the heart of the palace is a grand throne, forged from a single piece of sapphire-blue coral, its surface polished to perfection. It overlooks the palace with an air of serene majesty, commanding respect from all who gaze upon it.

Every room is a symphony of natural beauty, where the treasures of the sea have been artfully arranged to create a serene, harmonious environment. The palace, with its grandeur and elegance, is a perfect blend of the ocean's raw power and its delicate beauty, a testament to an underwater kingdom that exists in perfect harmony with the sea.

Looking up to the left of the throne was a woman figure with a perfectly defined tail by the window as the breeze blew past her long black hair. A smile escaped her beautiful pouted lips which showcased a radiating smile on her face. From her attire to her looks and then to her face all shows that she is no ordinary mermaid but the great Queen. She had a silver crown placed on her head and her beautiful long hair swayed from left to right. But suddenly her smile turned into a frown as she swam quietly to sit on the throne in the royal palace.

"Why is my life like this? everything I should have achieved did not work out at all. I am confused about whether to take the next step or not or even if it will be in my favor or ruin me. The past has shaken us so well that I do not even know what the future holds, I am even confused about the dilemma that has fallen on my children". She stood up and walked towards the portrait hung on the right side of the throne area which was decorated with coral leaves. She bent a little downwards as she inhaled the beautiful scent of the flower.

She rose back up and glanced at the portrait in front of her with teary eyes. "Mom, you left this world leaving me alone here to hold all these responsibilities but that night is a night I will never forget, it was a very dark night and death snatched you from me"  Her eyes suddenly turned blue showing the anger she possessed "We tried, we fought and battled but we later grieved. Rest well mother". She said as she burst out laughing and cried at the same time.

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