Chapter 1 ; The Bunker

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"Code red, code red, warning code 156 : oxygen levels at 30%". A warning siren can be heard through the empty hallways of this underground bunker. In the meantime, some rattling noises can be heard in one of the rooms labeled technical controls. "How is it going along, Wim? How long till we can take off these stuffy masks?" she asked, looking out in the hallway while she plays with some flower petals. He looks up at the slender woman, her long blond and brown hair reaching her back, with growing vines in-between the strands of hair. Her clothes even tho they look tactical are made of vines and leaves. With a rose in her hand, she turns around. Her shining green eyes meet that of Wimbertson's. "Yup should be done in a few seconds, the alarm should be turned off when the oxygen levels are cleared. You can signal the others to come inside the bunker." "Took you long enough, lil boy." She says as her flower disappears into her hand before she reaches for the walkie-talkie in her pocket. "I'm not that small." He says as he stands up, smearing his oiled up fingers onto his jeans. The 6.5ft (ca. 2 m) tall African-American cracks his neck left and right. Taking off the hood that he had on to protect his long white dreads from all the dust in the maintenance shaft. While he fixes himself up, he says. " I hope this is the spot because I ain't doing this shit anymore." "Well, you know the most of these dusty bunker's technology, but I get it. I hope we found the correct bunker this time." She says before turning around quickly. "What's wrong, Delta?" a rose grows in her hand and forms into a blade made of vines and thorns with a rose in the center. She stands next to the door, preparing to strike...

When suddenly a mouse runs across the door. Wim can't control himself and burst into laughter. "Did a mouse spook you, hahaha." he stops immediately as her blade flies past him, pinning down into the wall next to his face. "Next time, ill make fertilizer out of you. Something heavy went over my vines it wasn't a mouse that send me off" "Woops sorry that was my fault ..." a sharp vine flies into the muscular build 5.6ft (1.71 m) man's neck. "Ow. That hurt Delta," he says as blood pours out of the stab wound. He looks at Delta with his left brown eye and his vampiric red right eye, adjust to the room's darkness. "You're lucky that you take more than that to die and put a shirt on. Why are you here anyway?" she responds as she flicks her hand for the vines to return to her. "I was looking around as you guys fixed the oxygen levels. I think this is the spot." 

The lights start flickering on from warning red to white. "Code green, oxygen levels at 90%, warning code 156 turned off." with the lights on both Delta and Wim can now see the blood covert man in the doorway even his shoulder-length slick back white hair is covert in blood. The black shattered horns are sticking out which is usually hidden, his hands covert in blood and wounded, both signs that he was in combat. "What the hell happened to you, V.c.? Wasn't this place empty ?" Delta says as she checks for more wounds. "Well, I did say this might be the spot, ha ha." "That doesn't explain all the blood Ricks. Unless you finally went insane and killed all the rest of the group." Wim says as he packs up all the tools he used to fix the bunkers systems. "The second level was full of ghouls. Mainly scientists but also prisoner's, likely experimented on cus those packed a punch ... And well I had maybe a bit too much fun that's why my shirt went off, and I'm coverd in blood heh. Let's say level 2 and 3 are cleared out, as far as I know. " V.c. smirks. "Wait level 3? The system only said there were 2 levels while I was repairing them." "Oh well, there are 4 levels at least. I think level 3 and 4 might run on a different system and power supply. The oxygen in level 3 felt good, and the lights were working, for what lights were still there." "Wait huh level 4, why didn't you go in there Ricks." "I wanted to, but the door to level 4 was secured by heavy steel locks, so that is why my knuckles are a bit busted." V.c. says as he chuckles a bit and showing his hands. Delta, looking unsurprised by all this, sits down on a vine chair she made. "Let's call in the rest, Wim and mister bloody mess? Tom and Wim could probably open that door. Perhaps having somebody that knows technology and is smart could help out more than brutish strength. " She says as she moves her hand over her forehead, trying to keep her cool.

Delta radios in " come in.  Hermit, star come in!" A very static responds comes in. " Yes, Hierophant we are here also why do we need to use these names. Over" "It is safe to enter now. The devil thinks x is the spot and sadly we use this names in case of someone listening in. " "It's such a hassle though, ugh. We're entering now. Over" Delta puts the walkie in V.c.'s hands and walks away towards the entrance of the bunker. The dark hallway's seemingly endless even with the lights on, visibility is not much which make these halls seem bigger than what they are. At the same time, it might be for the best that the lights don't work that well. The walls are coverd with mold, dried blood end dirtiness. Most doors seem to be broken, showing empty rooms with corpses laying in their dorms/beds. The first level seemed to be a living quarter of this bunker. Before Delta reaches the entrance she glances to the left seeing the empty dining hall filled with half torn and mangled corpses and skeleton. The once white hall is now a dark brown, black, red-ish color with mold everywhere. "A gruesome sight, isn't it ?" Ricardo says as he taps his hand on her shoulders, walking past her. "I don't think we have seen a bunker like this before" "I'm going to spare you the details, don't go in any of the rooms on level 3.
... it is worse than here, maybe not the mold but because of the separate system all the corpses still look fresh. And some... not even I can think of how they died. Let's say it like that." He walks away to open the bunker like vault door. Delta stays going on her knees and starts blessing them. As she does that flowers and vines start spreading from her, filling up the dining hall with green. Wim joins her and places his hand on her head. "You are a kind soul, I'm sure the dead would have appreciated it." "Thanks, you're not too bad yourself, technician" She says with a joking tone as she smiles at him. "Hey, get a room you 2!" A short male about 5.4ft (1.65 m) tanned man says out loud towards them. He has a muscular twink build short black curly hair and a huge scar starting under his jawline going down his neck and full taking over his left arm. Next to him, V.c. is walking arms crossed with a girl. She looks as pale as snow with a lean hourglass body. Her long curly hair has a white color to it with light pink streaks at her ends, her bright green eyes spark hope and light in this dark hallway. "Here comes the angel and her devil, y'all should get a room, not us" Delta jokes with Tom as they look at them two. Angellika starts to blush slightly from that comment. "See she is already thinking indecent stuff, she might look innocent, but she ain't an angel." even in this dark bunker all of them manage to crack jokes and laugh together. With the group finally complete, they start walking down the blood and mold-filled bunker. Freshly stained blood drips in the 3rde level from Ricks rampage. "Sorry for the mess, the reinforced door is at the end of the hallway and I advise not going in any rooms." "Tom, take a look at the door I'll see take a look at the control panel, there seems to be one here." Wim says as he starts taking off the plating from the panel. "Sure, sure Delta, will you cover me" Tom gestures his hand as he moves through the fresh corpses of ghouls. V.c. whispers to Angellike. "Hey Angellika there were some interesting documents in this room, let's look through them as they fix the door. Don't worry, I cleaned up the corpses in there." as they walk in the room, she sees that it is clean. No mold, no blood, just clean white walls. "Look at these papers," He says as he throws them on the dissecting table. She starts reading them carefully, slowly getting a more worried expression with every page. "You know what this means, don't you ? " "I think we both know," he says as he places his hand on his right eye. Angellika puts the papers down as she speaks. "If this is true than we have to find ex.002 or better said your twin, and you are experiment 001." "Yup, that means I was never a half vampire, but that it's just an effect of my powers being dormant? At least according to the papers and also explains the 001 tattoo I've always had since I was a kid hun." He says as he takes a few more papers and place them down. "But that's not all. We all are not what we thought." "What do you mean, darling ?" He puts his hands on the papers. "These documents are about all of us. We didn't meet up by sheer luck, we were set up to know each other from the start. Someone has been pulling the strings above us" "If that is so, how do we unlock our powers. Delta and you already seem to have some, but us 3 don't have much." Wim says as he interups their conversation, as V.c. looks towards him, he sees that Tom and Delta were also there in the doorway looking. "I think it's behind that door in level 4. At least it talks about an antibiotic to lock and unlock us in the papers and keeps mentioning the vault doors. " "Then what are we waiting for, the door is open." Tom says as he points behind him.

The group walks towards the door, a cold brush of wind can be felt. The lights seem to work perfectly, showing a white tiled hall with doors on the side, all the way at the end a round room with 9 doors and a pedestal in the middle. "Well that ain't creepy at all "Tom says as the doors shut behind him 'Click' And the door locks behind them.

(Main story year 2025)

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