I shot him a similar look saying "how dare you lie." I smirked as I watch him scowl at me. "I don't know what your talking about. Perhaps you came to the wrong place. This is a small, simple settlement. We don't want a lot of commotion." the old man insisted.

"But~" Gija began to protest but Yona stepped in. "I'm sorry." she began. "We were traveling in search of someone, but it seems he isn't here. But we're exhausted from our long journey, and some of us are injured." Yona continued walking over to Hak and having him show his bandages.

"Do you think we could.... Rest for a while." Yona asked hopefully. The old man looked at me uncertainly. "Your journey must have been difficult. As you can see, we are poor. We cannot offer you anything." The old man agreed listing his conditions.

"That's fine. Thank you." Yona said nicely. The old man gestured for us to follow him. We did, as I passed a man with a mask and looked at him he turned toward me and looked at me right back.

My eyes widened in surprised. I rushed to Hak's side. Our group walked through the only hole in the room with no curtain, leading us to a set of tunnels."What's up with the masks!!" I demanded. "They're traditional. We discourage unmarried villagers from showing their face to others." The old man answered.

That's kinda sweet, getting married because you love someone and not because of their looks. "That's an interesting tradition." Yona commented.

"As guests, I'm sure you find it shocking." The old man noted as we approached a hole with a curtain.No kidding. The old man who had taken the lead turned toward up. "You can rest here." he informed. "Thank you." Yona smiled walking toward the curtain.

One of the two village men who had followed us. Thankfully both were married, and there fore mask less. Called out. "Um, miss." Yona stopped walking and turned around. "This place is like a maze. Don't wander too much. We will not be held responsible for anything that happens to you. I advise this to your child as well." The man warned.

"I'm not their child! There my brothers and sister!" I mumbled embarrassed and confused on how he though Yona was my mother. They then left and we all walked in and settled down.

Hak looked into a pot covered with spiderwebs as Yun began to speak. "Is this really the Blue Dragon's village?" Yun asks uncertain. "Why do you ask?" Yona questions.

Yun looks up to her as he sits on a slab of carved rock. "The White Dragon's village was in awe at your red hair, but these people didn't respond." Yun answered.

"Well all the people in Gija's village where descendants of the White Dragon because of this Yona's hair brought up distant memories. Maybe the Blue Dragon's tribe isn't all descendants. Or maybe it's been so long the Dragons blood as forgotten about his first masters red hair." I suggested.

"That could be..." Yun agreed. Gija who must of taken this as a sigh of us not believing he is correct stood up. "Princess, I can feel it the Blue Dragon his here!" Gija protested. Yona turned toward him and smiles. "Don't be silly. I don't doubt you, Gija."Yona assured.

Gija blushed. "Idiot." Hak teased. Gija turned toward Hak and tired to slash him but Hak placed his foot onto Gija's stomach keeping him away as the loyal dragon  angrily swiped air. "Did you call me an idiot?!" Gija barked.

Yun got up from his rock. "Either way, we know the Blue Dragon is near by." Yun yawned as he stretched this arms. "Until we meet him, we won't get anywhere. Let's go well there's no one around." He advised. Me and Yona glanced at each other.

"But that man said this place is like a maze. Will we be alright?" I protested nervously. Yun looked at me then Yona. "Princess, I am a handsome genius. I'll make a map as we go so we can conquer the maze. Find the treasure! Search every pot and drawer you find!" Yun announces. "Lets search!" Yun and Hak shout in agreement."Let's search?" Gija adds uncertainly. O god.

"It's a dead end...." Yun groans annoyed as he hits the rock wall with his hand. "Why isn't the Blue Dragon here?" Yun demanded. "This is unthinkable. He must know I am here." Gija protested looking at the wall as if it would magically open and the Blue Dragon would appear.

"You must be smothering him." Hak teased. Gija lunges at Hak with his dragon claws sharp and aimed. Hak easily doges the attack. "Oh, right. The Blue Dragon can sense the White Dragon, too, right?" Yona remembers.

"Maybe he doesn't want to come out." I said sadly. "In that case, maybe we should give up on~" Yona began. "We cannot!" Gija cut off. "Don't give up. Like me, the Blue Dragon comes from a long line of dragons. He must be waiting. For you, a master who needs him. That's why the four dragons where born. We desire nothing else." Gija insisted.

I looked up at Gija surprised at his sudden outburst. "If the Blue Dragon meets you, I'm sure he will also..." Gija continued on. "Gija. I am not king Hiryuu." Yona reminded. The silver haired dragon stops. "Yes." Gija replies sadly looking at the ground.

"I am not king Hiryuu," Yona reappeared quietly. She reaches out and grasps Gija's right hand. Gija looks up surprised. "But I want you." Yona finished insistently. A blush spreads across his face. "Sorry, I'm so selfish." Yona apologized. Gija's blush turned crimson.

"I-I'm not worthy." Gija mutters flustered. Yun was sitting down on the floor and glanced at Hak who lay on his side using his hand to prop his head up. "Thunder Beast, your scowling." Yun informs as Hak watched Gija and Yona.

Yun gets up and closed his book. His eyes widen and a shiver runs down his spin. "I have a bad feeling about this place...." Yun admits. "What?" I ask curiously looking around for anything strange looking under rocks and peeking through cracking in the wall as if I could find someone in these small spaces. Don't laugh! I mean we live in a world  with people who posses dragon ability's! Tiny people might be a thing!

"Someone's watching. Someone's staring at us with giant eyes." Yun explained looked creeped out. "I do detect a strange presence."Hak agrees. "Maybe the residences found us. Let's go back." Yun suggests. 

"Yes." Gija and Hak say agreeing. Yun, Hak and Gija walk off as me and Yona stay put for a moment to let them pass. We start to walk after them when a strange noise comes from behind us.

Me and Yona turn around and start to walk back. "Was that a cry?" Yona asks me. I shrug my shoulders. Yona places her ear to the wall I do the same and my hand lands on something. I look to see part of the wall was a sinking deeper into the wall I gasp. A button.

I heard the sound of moving rock. I look to see the wall moving reviling an entrance down an other tunnel. "Y-Yona!" I whispered as I looked at the entrance . What's going on?

The Weak And Helpless (Yona of the dawn)Where stories live. Discover now