👻 Chapter 4 👻

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~Hairloween Day~

The Day Has Finally Arrived For The Trolls Most Anticipated Holiday For Autumn Season, Hairloween!

All The Trolls In Pop Village, And Around The Kingdom As Well, Were All Getting Their Costumes Ready And Prepping Up For The Big Hairloween Bash Happening In Bergen Town.

Everything Was Set And Decorated For The Party, Only Thing Left Was To Get Into Costumes And Wait As The Sun Went Down For The Hairloween Night To Begin.

Meanwhile, Down In The Bunker, Branch Was Also Getting Ready For The Hairloween Party, As He Was Putting Together And Finishing Up His King Arthur Costume.

With The Costume, He Had On His Royal Vest, Along With Patched Up Long Pants And Sleeves, Leaving Branch To Finish Up The Blonde Wave Curls He Was Adding To The Front Of His Hair.

"Just A Little Of That, Touch Of Thisss, And Done! I'm King Arthur Pendragon!.....Branch Edition"
Branch Stood Up Straight, Using His Fancy Voice To Mimick A King.

Branch Chuckled To Himself In The Mirror As He Was Putting Away His Hair Products, Until He Glanced Over At The Counter Where The Folded Paper Floyd Handed Him Was Placed.

Thinking About What His Older Brother Had Reminded Him That Everything Was Gonna Be Alright, Branch Rubbed His Hands Together As He Kept Staring At The Folded Note.

Thinking About What His Older Brother Had Reminded Him That Everything Was Gonna Be Alright, Branch Rubbed His Hands Together As He Kept Staring At The Folded Note

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Tempted To Still Open Up The Note, Branch Refused And Reminded Himself To Only Open It Whenever He Felt Afraid Or Alone.

Branch Grabbed The Folded Note And Stuffed It In His Hair, Leaving Him To Pick Up A Plastic Sword From His Costume Accessory, And Head Outside.


~Around The Village~

As Branch Left The Bunker, He Went Through The Village To Try To Find His Friends To Gather Up So They Can Head To The Hairloween Party Soon.

Branch Swung Up To Satin & Chenille's Pod And Get Them First Out Of The Friend Group.

Branch Straightened His Costume And Knocked On The Door.
"Alright, Just Gotta Get Through The Night And No More Pranks Then Hairloween Is Done And-"

When Branch Knocked On The Door, It Was Already Unlocked And Slightly Opened To Where It Creaked Open Widen.

Branch Finished His Sentence As He Peaked Inside.

Branch Looked Through From Where He Was Standing Inside The Dark And Empty Pod, A Little Hesitant To Go In.

Branch Gulped And Made His Way In As He Tip Toed.
"Satin? Chenille? Girls?"

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