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Chapter Seven

Joshua had taken Kamari out for the day since Quannie had a photoshoot and Kamari didn't like the long hours of sitting there without anything to do.

Joshua asked to keep Kamari while Quannie did her photoshoot. Quannie agreed only because Kamari was already throwing a tantrum so she let her go with him.

So, Joshua, Jon, and Trinity took Kamari out for lunch, and a little bit of shopping, and then Kamari found a piano. "JonJon hold my purse," Kamari said as she sat down at the piano and started playing.

Joshua, Jon, and Trinity were impressed by her piano skills.

"Okay, Kay keep playing," Joshua said as he watched Kamari play the piano.

The soft tune of Ed Sheeran's Perfect piano version fills the air. "Play with me," Kamari said.

"Okay," Joshua said with a smile.

Jon pulled out his phone and started recording as Joshua sat at the piano next to Kamari, his fingers gliding across the keys. His eyes were fixed on Kamari's hands as he didn't know this song so he was following her lead.

"You're good," Kamari said.

"And so are you, how do you know how to play the piano?" Joshua asked Kamari.

"Mommy and Auntie Nunu play the piano," Kamari answered.

Joshua nods.

"Nice," Joshua said.

After they finished playing, Trinity took pictures of Kamari and sent them to Quannie.

After they finished playing, Trinity took pictures of Kamari and sent them to Quannie

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