The first time he threatened me to give my house to him. The second time, he thanked me because I fought for Jiwoo. Despite the dangers. Today makes it the third time. I'm speaking of meeting the human Kayden, not the cat Kayden. I met Casein nitrate so many times I lost count. "We should just go" Suho commented. "No. This is Kayden Break we're talking about. Not even you or the 5 strongest can fight against him" Suho looked away, knowing the same. Of course he can't win against Kayden Break. Nor could the 5, even if they fought together.

"The master can though" I laughed. "Maybe. But father isn't here. I'll be fine anyway, I'm Jiwoos friend. As his mentor, I doubt Kayden will do anything to me" I smiled, practically confident when in reality, I'm scared. I really am scared. Kayden is unpredictable. "I heard you helped Jiwoo out in all sorts of ways" Kayden spoke to Jiyoung and Inhyuk. "It was nothing" Jiyoung responded, no change in expression as Jiwoo smiled. "Oh! Kain, you're tr-" Jiwoo was about to praise my training methods when he stopped suddenly, seeing Suho behind me as I lifted a finger to my lips, telling him to keep quiet.

"Ah- I mean, I'm kind of sore. Do you think you can help me change my shirt?" He asked, fiddling with his shirt as I nodded my head. "Sure" I laughed, feeling Jiwoo grab my hand then lead me to the locker room as Kayden watched us. "It's okay. Just stand guard out here" I stopped Suho from entered, seeing him nod his head then stand guard at the entrance. I let out a sigh of relief. Suho doesn't see Jiwoo as a threat, thank god. Then we disappeared into the room.

"Shall we go to my office?" Jiyoung spoke, causing Kaydens eyes to shift back to her and Inhyuk. "Sure" with that, the three adults made their way to her office.

"Hyung. Your training methods helped a lot. I was about to see everything Sucheon was going to do, I thought I could see the future for a second" I smiled hearing him whisper. Changing his shirt at the same time. "That's good. You were only able to do so with Sucheon since his movements were simple and predictable. Experienced fighters are completely different. Had it been someone like me, you would've lost" I explained. "If one is good at close combat, they can even create fake movements. They'll make you think they're going in for a punch when in reality, they planned on a kick. Those are the tricky kinds of fights" as a close combatant since day 1, I started to ramble about the many faints other close combatants can use.

As well as the harsh training my mentor put on me as he taught me how to fight. "Wow, people can actually do that?" Jiwoo asked, truly surprised. "Yes. Although not many can. They have to have a lot of experience to pull it off flawlessly. Even I have a hard time doing faints because it's more difficult than people realize" Jiwoo nodded his head. Looking down at his fist as his smile just couldn't be contained. "Hyung. I'm so happy. I was able to take down an opponent fully prepared for me" I reached up, ruffling his hair again. He pouted, this time grabbing my wrist to stop messing up his hair, pulling me closer when I laughed at his cute reaction just to gasp. His hand slinging itself around my waist.

Eyes widened and lips parted in shock, I stared into Jiwoos eyes, feeling his breath tickle my own lips. He's close. Really close. "Hyung..."he said, his voice almost a whisper. Blush crept onto my cheeks, squirming a little as every brush of his fingers against my back sent chilling tingles down my spine. Kains sensitive body was driving me insane.

"Since I won todays sparring. Can I get a reward?" Jiwoos puppy brown eyes fluttered in front of me. Making me weak. Really? What kind of reward? And why so touchy all of a sudden? "O-of course. It's only right I reward you for winning this match you worked hard to win" I smiled, feeling Jiwoos hand holding my wrist let go and brush a strand of Kains red hair behind my ear. Wh-what's happening? "Then-" he moved closer, about an inch away from our lips connecting. In complete shock, my free hand immediately shot between our lips, allowing my palm to cover his mouth and lean away.

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